Edit an Invoice Payment

Edit an Invoice Payment

Important Notes:

  • Only Digital Invoice Payments and Invoice Payments without a PO that are pending approval can be edited.

  • The job aid below includes instructions for the following scenarios:

    • Edit and submit an invoice previously saved but not validated.

    • Withdraw and edit an invoice previously validated and submitted.

    • Edit and resubmit a rejected invoice.

Log in to Bronco Hub & Access Invoices

  1. Begin by signing in to Bronco Hub.

  2. Select My Organization from the top navigation section of Bronco Hub and then select Invoices.

Locate the Invoice Payment that Needs Edited

From the Invoice Payment landing page, select the hyperlink for the Invoice Payment you want to edit.

The list of recently created Invoice Payments displays below the Invoice Info Tiles.

If the Invoice Payment you are looking for is not listed on the Invoices landing page, use the Invoice Info Tiles to locate the Invoice Payment.

  • Recent: Displays Invoice Payments entered by the user. Click on the hyperlink to change the display for recently created Invoice Payment timeframes from 24 Hours, 3 days, 5 days, or 7 days.

  • Pending: Displays Invoice Payments that have been saved and are waiting to be submitted through the approval workflow.

  • Others: Displays Invoice Payments currently moving through the approval workflow.

  • Rejected: Displays Invoice Payments requiring review and potential resubmission.

Select the hyperlink for the Invoice Payment you need to edit. A new window will load with the Invoice Payment you selected.

Screenshot of invoice hyperlink

Select a scenario from the list below to be routed to the next steps

Edit a Saved Invoice Payment Not Previously Validated

Step 1: Edit Invoice Payment Details

After locating and opening the invoice payment as outlined above, edit the Invoice Header and Invoice Line information as needed.

Step 2: Validate Invoice Payment

  1. After editing the invoice, select Save in the upper right-hand corner.

  2. Validate the invoice entry by selecting the Invoice Actions drop down in the upper right hand corner and Validate.

Screenshot of validate button

Successful validation will result in “Validated” being displayed next to Invoice Actions.

If the validation result is “Needs revalidation” contact P2P Payables Services for additional support. P2P Payables Services can be reached at (208) 426-3434 or P2P_Payables@boisestate.edu.

If you receive the following warning, “The sum of the distributions does not equal the line amount. Change the distribution amounts to equal the line amount”, update amounts entered in the lines to match the amount entered in the invoice header.

Step 3: Submit Invoice Payment

  1. Route the invoice for approval and processing:

    1. Select the Invoice Actions drop down

    2. Select Approval

    3. Select Initiate

  1. Confirm Approval Workflow initiation

    1. Select the Validated hyperlink and view the Approval Status; if approval status shows “initiated” the request was successful.

  1. Select Cancel to exit the Invoice Payment OR

  2. Select Save and Create Next to create another Invoice Payment

What’s next:

Once submitted, the Invoice Payment will route to the approvers in the Standard Approval Workflow. Payment will take place once all approvers have approved the transaction.

To follow-up on submitted Invoice Payments, follow the instructions outlined in Reviewing Invoice Payment Status OR follow the instructions outlined in the Transaction Approval Dashboard.

End of Process

Withdraw and Edit an Invoice Previously Validated and Submitted

Step 1: Withdraw the Invoice

After locating and opening the invoice payment as outlined above, withdraw the invoice:

  1. Select the Actions drop-down

  2. Select Approval

  3. Select Withdraw

  4. After withdrawing, select Save to save the withdrawn status

Step 2: Edit Invoice Payment Header

If needed, you may edit any of the following fields in the Invoice Header:

  • Invoice Date

  • Number, Business Purpose

  • Payment Terms

  • Attachments

Step 3: Resubmit Invoice Payment

Resubmit the Invoice Payment through the approval workflow:

  1. Select the Invoice Actions drop down

  2. Select Approval

  3. Select Resubmit

  4. Confirm Approval Workflow initiation

    1. Select the Validated hyperlink and view the Approval Status; if approval status shows “initiated” the request was successful.

  1. Select Cancel to exit the Invoice Payment OR

  2. Select Save and Create Next to create another Invoice Payment.

What’s next:

Once submitted, the Invoice Payment will route to the approvers in the Standard Approval Workflow. Payment will take place once all approvers have approved the transaction.

To follow-up on submitted Invoice Payments, follow the instructions outlined in Reviewing Invoice Payment Status OR follow the instructions outlined in the Transaction Approval Dashboard.

End of Process

Edit a Rejected Invoice Payment

Step 1: Edit Invoice Payment Header (as needed)

After locating the invoice as outlined above, open the invoice to view the Invoice Header fields. The following may be modified in the header:

  • Invoice Date

  • Number

  • Business Purpose

  • Payment Terms

  • Attachments

Step 2: Edit Invoice Payment Lines (as needed)

Expand the Invoice Lines section by selecting the chevron next to Lines.

  1. Select on the line that needs edited, once the line is highlighted, select Cancel Line.

  2. Add a new line by selecting the + icon. Enter the correct information in the new line and select Save.

Step 3: Save and Validate Invoice Payment

  1. Select Save in the upper right-hand corner to update and save changes made.

  2. Validate Invoice Payment data

    1. Select Invoice Actions

    2. Select Validate.
      Successful validation will result in “Validated” being displayed next to Invoice Actions.

Step 4: Resubmit Invoice Payment

Resubmit the Invoice Payment through the approval workflow:

  1. Select Invoice Actions drop down

  2. Select Approval

  3. Select Resubmit.

  1. Confirm Approval Workflow initiation

    1. Select the Validated hyperlink and view the Approval Status; if approval status shows “initiated” the request was successful.

  1. Select Cancel to exit the Invoice Payment OR

  2. Select Save and Create Next to create another Invoice Payment.

What’s next:

Once submitted, the Invoice Payment will route to the approvers in the Standard Approval Workflow. Payment will take place once all approvers have approved the transaction.

To follow-up on submitted Invoice Payments, follow the instructions outlined in Reviewing Invoice Payment Status OR follow the instructions outlined in the Transaction Approval Dashboard.

End of Process

Need help with the steps above?


Office of Continuous Improvement
1910 University Dr. Boise, ID 83725-1247