Internal Payments (pay another university department)

Internal Payments (pay another university department)

What is an Internal Payment?

When do I submit an Internal Payment?

Who do I contact for support?

What is an Internal Payment?

When do I submit an Internal Payment?

Who do I contact for support?

Internal Payments are completed to charge internal funding sources for goods or services received from the University. The Department of the Internal Supplier providing the good or service is responsible for submitting internal payment transactions and must retain all documentation for charges.

If you need to bill an external customer, customers outside Boise State, for goods/services your department provided, visit Accounts Receivable invoicing.

Submit the Internal Payment Request Smartsheet to make a payment to another Boise State department.

  • The department (internal supplier) providing the goods or service(s) is responsible for submitting the Internal Payment request and retaining copies of documentation related to charges.

  • The department receiving the goods or service(s) is responsible for providing the appropriate funding string to the department proving the goods or services. Decisions regarding funding string are determined by the two departments working together.

Once submitted, the Internal Payment request is processed by Payables. Requesters will be notified about the Internal Payment status via Smartsheet notifications.



Job aids & resources

Reporting on Internal Payments

Transaction Approval Dashboard

Run the Transaction Approval Dashboard to view approval status information.

This dashboard should be used to identify where transactions are currently at in the approval process or to review the approval history.

Payables – Campus Transaction Dashboard

Use the Payables – Campus Transaction Dashboard to view Internal Payment details like payment status, payment amount, date of payment and funding segment string used to code the transaction. ProTip: Select Internal Payments from the Pay Group filter on this report to view only these types of transactions. Confirm the accuracy of the funding segment string used for travel related reimbursements.

If an incorrect segment string was used to code a transaction, a Payables Correction must be submitted. Visit Correcting Entries Matrix for more information.

Appropriated and Local Summary – BvA

The Budget vs Actuals (BvA) should be reviewed at least once per month to ensure accuracy of financial transaction reporting and proper budget management.

Office of Continuous Improvement
1910 University Dr. Boise, ID 83725-1247