Review Project Budgets and Expenditures

Review Project Budgets and Expenditures

Step 1: Log in to Bronco Hub and Access the Awards Module

  1. Begin by signing in to Bronco Hub.

  2. Select Sponsored Projects from the top navigation ribbon.

  3. Select Awards.

Step 2: Search for the Award

  1. Select the Tasks

  2. Select Manage Awards.

  3. Enter the award number and select Search.

  4. After searching, select the hyperlink of the award number.

screenshot of search results output

Step 3: Select the Project

  1. Select the appropriate project by clicking on the hyperlink of the Project Name.

Step 4: Review the Budget

The budget is provided below the Financial Details header and includes budget, consumed and remaining amounts.

  1. Select the chevron for the appropriate project card and select Manage Project Costs to review expenses.

End of Process

Need help with the steps above?

If you need assistance with the process outlined above, please contact postawards@boisestate.edu.

If you have suggestions to improve the instructions in this job aid, please submit an OCI Service Request ticket.

Office of Continuous Improvement
1910 University Dr. Boise, ID 83725-1247