Submit a Payroll Correcting Entry Request
Important Notes:
Submit a Payroll Correction Request to complete any of the following:
Correct payroll activity OR supplemental pay occurring greater than 6 pay periods from the current pay period.
Correct payroll activity for an inactive employee whose separation date has passed and their final check has been processed.
Reallocate or correct over- time expenses to or from a sponsored project.
Reallocate fringe amounts as required by sponsored program agreement.
Reallocate partial payroll posting or a fixed amount.
If needed, a single payroll correction template can be submitted for multiple pay periods and multiple employees. Each payroll correcting entry must include a completed single payroll correction justification form (required).
You cannot have multiple justifications per entry.
If correcting payroll for multiple employees, include justifications for all employees on one justification form.
Payroll corrections are due on the 25th of the month. Correction transactions will continue to be processed as time allows.
Guidance for other correction scenarios:
Correcting/Updating Assignment Costing. Submit the Employee Costing Change form to update the assignment costing, going forward, for an active employee, OR retroactively correct active employee assignment costing and related payroll expenses occurring within 6 pay periods from the current pay period. Reference the HR Payroll schedule to determine allowable ECC timeframes.
Correct costing on a previously submitted ICP. Submit the Change an Individual Compensation Plan (ICP) to correct costing or expenses, occurring within 6 pay periods from the current pay period, for a submitted and approved Individual Compensation / Supplemental Pay. If the activity is greater than 6 pay periods, submit a Payroll Correction Request as outlined above.
Correcting costing due to timecard overrides. Employees can incorrectly override their payroll costing by entering costing information on their time cards.
If an employee incorrectly overrides their costing, supervisors can adjust the costing from the time card within 28 days by following these instructions to edit another employee’s time card.
If beyond 28 days, the department must submit an HR ServiceNow Ticket Request because time card overrides cannot be corrected via the ECC or payroll correcting entry processes.
Payroll Corrections impacting Work Study Programs. Payroll transactions impacting the Work Study Program must be approved by the Financial Aid office. The Work Study Program has strict student eligibility requirements, award limits, and aid-year cut-off dates; please reach out prior to submitting a correcting entry. For support with work study related payroll corrections, email
Step 1: Access Payroll Correction Template
Download the Payroll Correction Template from the Payroll Correction Smartsheet form.
ALWAYS download a new template for payroll correction request. Do not save and re-use templates. Re-using templates will results in a processing error and your request will be rejected.
Step 2: Save File Prior to Entering Data
After downloading the template, select File then Save As.
Save your file with a meaningful name and location.
Step 3: Run a Salary Data Report
Follow the instructions for running a Salary Data Report to gather information about the original transaction.
Step 4: Enter Justification for the Correction
Select the Justification Form tab at the bottom of the worksheet and complete the required information for the correction.
Oldest posting date of original transaction (Journal posting date, column X in Salary Data Report, or if no date is entered for Journal posting date, then use Accounting date in column B).
Date prepared
Employee name(s)
Employee ID(s)
Pay period begin date
Pay period end date
PCN (if applicable)
Funding source segment string(s) that expense(s) originally posted to
Funding source segment string(s) that expense(s) should be transferred to
Reason/Justification for correction (Please provide specific information on why the entry is needed in box 1 and 2)
If the journal entry involves a grant and occurred more than 90 days ago, you must answer the questions listed in the justification form
Journal entry prepared by
If you have questions about the justification form, email
Step 5: Enter Journal and Accounting Information
Enter Journal (A12) and Journal Description (B12) in the appropriate fields on the first enterable line. These fields are free form with character limits of 100 and 240, respectively. They are for department information and there is no mandated format. The values will autofill down the template.
Enter Accounting Date (C12) as the current date (the date you are submitting the correction) or the last day of the open accounting period. If you have questions about whether an accounting period is open, email
Step 6: Enter Financial Data
Enter an amount as Entered Debit or Entered Credit. Values cannot be negative.
The amount must be rounded to the second decimal.
Enter the Funding Segment String information for the correction (please make sure each segment has the required number of characters)
Step 7: Enter Transaction Data Details
Line Description(s) - Optional (Often used to describe the correction in more detail)
Copy and paste the following transaction data detail columns from the Salary Data Report:
Employee ID(s) - Column M
Employee Name(s) - Column N
Pay Type(s) - Column O
Position Number(s) - Column P (If there is not a Position Number/PCN listed on the salary data report, leave this field blank in the journal)
Pay Period End Date(s) - Column Q
HR Department(s) - Column Z
Assignment Number(s) - Column AA
Process(es) - Column AB
Step 8: Confirm Pivot Accuracy & Review Totals
Review the Journal Entry (JE) Total to ensure each required field has been completed.
Confirm the sheet is balanced (JE total should be 0.00).
Select the Pivot Check tab at the bottom of the worksheet.
Refresh the pivot tables to ensure your journal balances by employee ID and pay period end date.
To refresh data, click into a table and select CTRL + ALT +F5 OR click Data from excel top navigation and click Refresh All.
All lines in each Pivot Table should have a net sum of 0 (except Fund). If the net sum is an amount other than 0 on any line, you will need to correct your entry to make sure debits equal credits for each account code (unless you’re correcting the account code). If you need additional assistance, please contact
Step 9: Email Approvers and Submit Request
If applicable, email your request to the appropriate approvers listed at the bottom of the Justification Form.
Upload completed Payroll Correction Template, Salary Data Report, and supporting documentation to the Payroll Correction Request form.
What’s next:
You will receive a confirmation email with a tracking number for your Payroll Correction request.
End of Process
Need help with the steps above?
Office of Continuous Improvement
1910 University Dr. Boise, ID 83725-1247