Salary Data Report
Important Notes:
The Salary Data Report is designed to provide business managers and administrative staff information about payroll allocations.
Beginning FY25, please use the Salary Data Report in place of the Salary Ledger. The data will automatically update after each payroll and Salary Ledger email notices will cease after the 6/21/24 pay date.
It is best practice to schedule the Salary Data Report if you are running a report that is:
spanning a year,
includes multiple departments over several months, or
includes numerous individuals without costing information.
Information about report time out:
When running this report for a large data set, extended periods of time, or data that crosses fiscal years, the report will take several minutes to generate results. Best practice is to schedule the report to run. If you are looking for data from several past years consider using the Salary Ledger for historical data.
Information about Salary Data Report and grant management / sponsored programs:
If you are pulling payroll data for the lifespan of a grant, and you need historical data beyond September 2021, you must run both the Salary Data Report the Salary Ledger.
Best practice to obtain the correct payroll total for the lifespan of a grant:
run the Salary Ledger to pull historical data prior to September 2021,
run the Salary Data Report to pull data after September 2021,
combine the two report outputs into one file to obtain a total for the lifespan of the grant.
Step 1: Locate and Launch the Salary Data Report
Access Boise State Reporting HR/Payroll and locate the Salary Data report by entering Salary in the field to search by keyword.
After locating the Salary Data Report, select Launch on the report card or Launch located on the right side of the report name if you’re in list view.
Step 2: Enter Parameters for the Account Analysis Summary
Enter the Accounting Dates in the *Accounting Date Between and the *and fields to identify the dates you want to include in the search.
Enter any applicable costing segments.
If searching for a particular employee, enter the employee ID number. Otherwise, leave this field blank and results will populate for all employees with payroll allocated to the costing segments you’re searching for.
After entering the necessary fields, select Apply.
Step 3: Export the Data to Excel
The Salary Data Report generates an Excel output with search results. If the Excel sheet does not pop-up, select the download icon in the top right corner of the screen to find recently downloaded documents. Select the Excel sheet with the requested salary data.
Open the Excel output to review results as needed.
End of Process
Troubleshooting Error Messages in the Salary Data Report
The most common error messages include:
Timing-out while running (the report interface has a 10-minute limit).
Exceeding the row limit.
Memory errors.
Schedule the Salary Data Report to Generate via Email
When running this report for a large data set, extended periods of time, or data that crosses fiscal years, the report will take several minutes to generate results. Best practice is to schedule the report to run by following the steps below:
Step 1: Locate and Launch the Salary Data Report
Access Boise State Reporting HR/Payroll and locate the Salary Data report by entering Salary in the field to search by keyword.
After locating the Salary Data Report, select Launch on the report card or Launch located on the right side of the report name if you’re in list view.
Step 2: Access the Schedule Settings
Select the Settings (gear icon) in the upper right hand corner.
Select Schedule from the setting drop-down menu.
Step 3: Enter Search Parameters
On the General tab, enter the applicable parameters for the search you are trying to perform.
Enter the Accounting Dates in the *Accounting Date Between and the *and fields to identify the dates you want to include in the search. If you manually enter the Accounting date, use the format MM-DD-YYYY (e.g. 03-01-2024).
Enter any applicable costing segments.
After entering the parameters, select the Schedule tab.
Step 4: Enter Schedule Details
Within the Define Schedule Time section of the Schedule tab, select the frequency of report output notification from the Frequency drop down.
Within the Define Schedule Time section of the Schedule tab, select a future start date to run the report by selecting the radio button next to Start and identify the date and time. If you would like to start the scheduling process immediately, select the radio button next to Run Now.
Do not select the “Use Trigger” check box.
Step 5: Enter Notification Details
Select the Notification tab to receive an email with a link to the Oracle page where you can download the report you requested. (Downloading your report from an Oracle page accessed through a link avoids possible security risks and email size limit issues that could come from having the report emailed directly to you.)
Select the email box and enter the email where you wish to receive the notification.
Select all options for when to be notified.
Enter a name for the output (report) in the popup..
After entering the Notification details, select Submit in the top right corner of the screen.
The process will run according to the parameters and schedule specified.
Step 6: Download the Scheduled Report from Oracle
Open the email notification and select the link in the body of the message.
Select the Output file name to load results via output.
End of Process
Need help with the steps above?
Office of Continuous Improvement
1910 University Dr. Boise, ID 83725-1247