Payroll Costing Result Report (PCR)
Important Notes:
This report provides information about payroll elements (wages, supplemental pay and fringe benefits), the associated amounts and the associated costing.
Business managers, and other staff responsible for monitoring payroll expenses and budgets, should run this report regularly to ensure accuracy of payroll and take any necessary steps to correct payroll issues as they arise.
The Payroll Costing Report does not include manual payroll correction information. If needed, run the salary ledger to view manual correction details.
Report performance: the more information you search for (e.g. running the report for a span of one month vs two or three months) the longer it will take to generate an output. If you are running this report for a longer time frame and/or multiple employees, we recommend that you schedule the report to be emailed to you. Instructions to schedule the report are included on page 4 of this resource.
Step 1: Locate and Launch the Report
Access Boise State Reporting HR/Payroll and locate Department Manager Listing.
There are two views in Boise State Reporting: Card and List.
Change your view by selecting either List View or Card View in the upper navigation.
By default, this report launches with the category filter set to “All Reports”. Use the Filter by Category drop-down to view reports specific to one area of reporting
Favorite commonly used reports, by selecting Favorite in card view and the star icon in list view.
After locating the Department Manager Listing, select Launch on the report card or Launch located on the right side of the report name if you’re in list view.
Step 2: Enter Search Criteria
Accounting Date Between is required when running this report. The accounting date is two Fridays after a pay period end date, (e.g. pay period 9/18/22 - 10/1/22 has an accounting date of 10/14/22). For a list of pay period start and end dates, visit the most up to date payroll calendar on the Payroll and Holiday Calendars page.
The Accounting Date cannot be manually entered, you must select the dates by selecting the calendar icon and choosing the start and end date.
If you don’t know the accounting date, you can select a range of dates to see if the output includes the information you’re looking for and modify search criteria as needed.
Along with the Accounting Dates, enter at least one additional search field before generating the report. Optional search fields in this report include: Employee ID, Department, Cost Center, Account, Project, Supplemental, Element and Pay Period Dates.
The Account field defaults to include some 4 (payroll) segments. It is recommended that you update the Account segment field to search by specific payroll activity.
Below is a list of payroll account segments and their descriptions.
410500 Employees - Regular
411500 Employees - Temporary
411501 Employee Relocation
412500 Sporadic Special Pay
412501 Summer Salary
412502 Faculty Incentive Pay
413500 Students
414000 Shift Differential Pay
417500 Overtime - Covered
417501 Overtime - Students
418000 Overtime - Exempt
420500 Group Insurance - Life
421000 Group Insurance - Med & Dent
421002 Group Ins - Medical Grad Asst
421500 Worker's Compensation
422500 Employer Retirement Contribution
423000 Retirement Sick Leave
425000 Personnel Commission
425500 Unemployment Insurance
426000 Social Security/Medicare
Visit the All Segment Values report for a list of account and other fund segments
Enter additional search criteria to help narrow down the search results. To search by a specific employee and/or funding segment, select the drop down to the right of the field and select Search.
In the search window, type the information you are searching for.
After entering search information, select Search.
After selecting Search, the related search output will populate below the search fields.
Select the row of the applicable data that you are searching for and select Move. To select more than one value, hold the CTRL key while clicking values to move.
After locations and moving applicable values to “Selected” section of the search screen. Select OK.
Selected information will populate in the search field(s). Select Apply to run the report.
The report output will automatically download as an excel sheet once it’s done running.
Open the excel sheet to view the output.
End of Process
OPTIONAL Steps to Schedule the Payroll Costing Report
Begin by signing in to Bronco Hub from
Select My Organization from the top navigation section of Bronco Hub.
Select Boise State Reporting then select Payroll Costing Report located below the Payroll header of the Human Resources section.
From the report landing page, select the Actions (gear) icon on the right side of the screen. Then select Schedule.
From the Schedule Report Job page, enter report parameters as outlined in step 3 above. After entering the parameters, select Output.
Within the Output section, select the checkboxes for Save Data for Republishing and Compress output prior to delivery. DO NOT select the checkbox for Make Output Public.
Navigate to the Destination section and select Add Destination.
Enter your email in the *To field. You can also add any comments in the Message field.
Select the Notifications tab. Enter your email address in the Email Address field and check any applicable box to receive a notification about. Notification options include Report completed, Report completed with warnings, Report failed and Report skipped.
After designating where the output will be sent and opting in to any notifications, select Submit in the upper right corner.
A submission window will appear, enter a description of the report you are scheduling in the Report Job Name field. Select OK
The report output will be generated and sent to the email specified.
End of Process
The following columns in the report output can help with payroll analysis
Organizational Department: the “home” department of the employee’s assignment. Home dept is where the position is housed and it might be different than the department that funds the position.
Payroll: payroll is biweekly
Employee Number: employee ID associated with the row of payroll activity.
Employee Name: employee name associated with the row of payroll activity.
Last Name: last name of the employee associated with the row of payroll activity.
First Name: first name of the employee associated with the row of payroll activity.
Assignment Number: Assignment number ties to the position/assignment an employee has. If an employee has more than one position, they will have an assignment number for each.
PCN: Position Control Number for the employee associated with the row of payroll activity. Only applicable for benefit eligible employees
Element Classification: Provides high level groupings of payroll elements. Filter on this field to look at specific types of elements like medical/dental (employer charges) or wages (standard earnings).
Element: Provides a list of specific payroll elements (e.g. salary wages, vacation, dental, VALIC) that can be filtered on.
Distributed Element: Elements listed in the Distributed Elements column are variable elements that get distributed based on the employee’s total wages. The information in this column shows the specific payroll activity tied to the costing and amounts in the same row.
Fund: Provides the fund segment associated with the element
Department: Provides the funding department segment associated with the row of payroll activity.
Cost Center: Provides the cost center segment associated with the row of payroll activity.
Account: Provides the account segment associated with the row of payroll activity.
Supplemental: Provides the account segment associated with the row of payroll activity.
Project: Provides the project segment associated with the row of payroll activity.
Period Start Date: Pay period start date associated with the row of payroll activity.
Period End Date: Pay period end date associated with the row of payroll activity.
Period End Date Custom: This field will display a date if the activity is associated with retro pay or a correction. It is recommended that you refer to the Period End Date column unless it shows “Null” then you should refer to the Period End Date Custom column.
Process Date: Provides the date the payroll items were processed.
Date Earned: Provides the date the payroll activity was paid out to the employee.
Accounting Date: The accounting date is two Fridays after a pay period end date, (e.g. pay period 9/18/22 - 10/1/22 has an accounting date of 10/14/22).
Debit Amount: Amount that was debited to the associated funding string for the payroll element.
Credit Amount: Amount that was credited to the associated funding string for the payroll element.
Net Amount: Net amount of any applicable debits and credits associated with the funding string for the related payroll element.
Concatenated String: Provides the full funding string associated with the row of payroll activity. If you’re new to funding strings, visit the All Segment Values training page for more information.
Reason: This field is only applicable for Individual Compensation Payments (ICP) / Supplemental Pay. *See additional notes below.
*Additional Notes about the “Reasons” column in the PCR output.
The PCR includes a Reason column that captures comments submitted with the ICP Perceptive form.
These comments are often used to describe specifics about what is being paid for.
HR processors may also add comments to this column, for example, if changes had to be made. Their comments will come after the comments submitted by the business managers.
If the HR processor has to create multiple ICP entries, from a single ICP submission, the processor will include the comments from the original submission in each entry in the Reason section.
Below is a list of elements specific to Individual Compensation Payments (ICP) / Supplemental Pay.
Commission Pay
Contract Payoff
Faculty Incentive Pay
Incentive Pay
Performance Bonus
Recruitment Bonus
Retention Bonus
Summer Earnings (previously called summer salary)
Supplemental Pay - this option should not be used for faculty members
Supplemental Pay Faculty - this option should be used for faculty member
Making Payroll Corrections
If payroll activity needs correcting, visit the Correcting Entries Matrix to identify the process to follow.
Need help with the steps above?
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