Remaining Appropriated Budget Report

Remaining Appropriated Budget Report

Important Notes:

  • Run this report to view the remaining budget of appropriated funding sources.

  • Report output includes the budget and actual expenses and is a year to date report.

  • The funding source data generated in the report output CANNOT be exported to Excel.

Step 1: Log in to Bronco Hub and Access My Dashboard

  1. Begin by signing in to Bronco Hub.

  2. Select My Organization from the top navigation section of Bronco Hub and then select My Dashboard.

Step 2: Enter Appropriated Budget Variance Search Parameters

The Remaining Budget - Appropriated report is on the left side of the dashboard.

If search parameters don’t display, you may need to expand the view by selecting the chevron to the left of the report title.

Search fields with an * are required.

  1. Enter the applicable Fund, Department, Cost Center and Accounting Period. If you would like to search all Cost Centers within a department, enter a % as a wildcard search.

DO NOT enter a leading zero when entering the Accounting Period Name (eg enter 1-23 instead of 01-23). If you enter a leading zero, the output will exclude any Carryforward.

  1. After entering applicable search parameters, tap your cursor in a section outside of the search fields and then select Apply.

Step 3: Review Report Output

The Budget Remaining column indicates the amount remaining in the Budget roll-up account* and can be used to do a budget check for transaction approval.

*Budget roll-up accounts are 6-digit numbers and represent the natural classification of a transaction.
Current Budget Rollup Accounts are:

  • 410000: Regular Salaries

  • 411000: Irregular Salaries

  • 412000: Student Salaries

  • 420000: Benefits

  • 500000: Other Expenses & Travel

  • 600000: Capital Expenses

End of Process

Need help with the steps above?



Office of Continuous Improvement
1910 University Dr. Boise, ID 83725-1247