Modify a Previously Submitted Individual Compensation (Supplemental Pay)
Important Notes:
Submit the Individual Compensation Plan (ICP) Changes Request form to make changes or cancel a previously approved ICP.
DO NOT move forward with the process outlined below if the ICP paid out prior to 10/30/22. If you need to change a funding source for an ICP that paid out prior to 10/30/22, submit a payroll correcting entry.
If you need to increase the amount of a completed ICP, please submit a new ICP to capture the difference.
Step 1: Access the Individual Compensation Plan (ICP) Changes Request Form and Login via Boise State SSO
Access the Individual Compensation Plan (ICP) Changes form by selecting this link.
Enter your user name and password in the Boise State single sign on (SSO) window.
If you get an error message after attempting to login, try accessing the form through an incognito browser. To access the form using an incognito browser, right click this link and select “Open link in incognito window.” You may also copy the link and open the form in a separate browser.
Step 2: Select Funding Department from the Drop-Down Menu
Begin by typing the 5 digit HR department number of the department awarding the supplemental pay in the “Select Department” drop-down field.
Select the appropriate department.
Step 3: Select ICP Recipient Employment Status
Select either Yes or No for the question Is this change for an active ICP?
Select “yes” if making changes to an ICP for an employee with active assignments.
Select “no” if making changes to an ICP for an employee with inactive status.
The form will populate additional fields dependent on the selection of Yes or No.
If you are changing an ICP for an inactive employee, this change will be for historical purposes only and will not initiate retro pay.
Step 4: Locate the Employee
Locate an Active Employee
The “Select Employee” drop down list will provide a list of all active employees included in the department entered in the “Select Department” field.
Choose an employee by selecting the drop down arrow to the right of the “Select Employee” field and selecting the appropriate name from the list.
Related employee details will populate in the Employee Information section of the form.
Locate an Inactive Employee
Enter the 9 digit employee ID in the “Employee ID” field and select Find. Related employee details will populate. If known, enter PCN/Job Code and Business Title.
Enter the user name (first part of the employee’s Boise State email address) employee’s manager in the Supervisor/Manager UserName field.
Step 5: Enter Request Information Details
Indicate the Type of Request you are submitting by selecting either the “Change” or “Cancel” radio button.
Indicate the Type of Additional Pay: Select the applicable additional pay type from the drop-down list.
Commission Pay: is an option typically used only by Boise State Public Radio.
Contract Payoff: is an option to pay an employee with an annual contract who terminates prior to receiving the balance of their contract money owed (based on the actual number of hours worked).
Faculty Incentive Pay: select if rewarding recipient(s) of external funds that enhance research, scholarship, service, and creativity; promote best practices in teaching and learning; and implement other program improvements that advance the mission of the University.
Incentive Pay: select if paying compensation as negotiated in an employee’s contract (primarily athletic coaches) for meeting certain thresholds.
Performance Bonus: select if paying a lump sum award to an employee (classified and/or professional) for exemplary performance at a particular time. This additional pay type requires a signed agreement. Prior to awarding the bonus, review action definitions and consult Compensation prior to submitting.
Recruitment Bonus: select if paying a lump-sum bonus as part of the package used to recruit an individual for a position designated as critical or difficult-to-fill. The bonus is to be paid after at least six (6) months of satisfactory performance. This additional pay type requires a signed agreement. Prior to awarding the bonus, review action definitions and consult Compensation prior to submitting.
Retention Bonus: select if paying a lump-sum bonus to retain an employee in a position designated as critical or difficult-to-fill. The bonus is to be paid after at least six (6) months of satisfactory performance. This additional pay type requires a signed agreement. Prior to awarding the bonus, review action definitions and consult Compensation prior to submitting.
Summer Earnings: select if paying employees for tasks completed during off contract months. This option is for less than 12 month professional or faculty. This can be used for faculty off their working dates contracts. The pay type selected needs to correspond to the faculty member’s present working date contract status.
Supplemental Pay: select if paying a professional or temporary exempt employee other than faculty for tasks completed beyond their regular job duties. If submitting an ICP for an hourly (classified) employee, reach out to HR Processors for support before moving forward (
Supplemental Pay Faculty: select if paying On-Contract Faculty for work beyond their working dates on contract. Prior to assuming additional assignments, all supplemental pay requests must be documented and approved by the appropriate Vice-President, Dean, Director or other department approver. The pay type selected needs to correspond to the faculty member’s present contract status.
Step 6: Enter Original ICP Information
Enter original ICP information previously input and submitted in HCM. If unsure of what was entered in the original ICP, please reach out to
Effective Date From: input the original ICP payroll start (from) and end ( to) dates
Work Date From: input the original Work start (from) and end (to) dates
Amount: input total amount included on ICP submitted in HCM
Funding Source: Input the fund, department, cost center, supplemental and project segment along with the % of the ICP distribution tied to the funding source. If there are multiple funding strings tied to the same start date, select “Add Another Entry” button to add additional rows. The % Distribution must equal 100% whether entering one or multiple rows.
Comments: If canceling an ICP, include the following details in the comments section: 1) whether original ICP was submitted as one time or recurring payment and 2) if recurring, details about number of payments employee should receive (eg 2 of 6 should be paid out) OR if entire ICP needs to be canceled.
IF you indicated “Change” as the request type (step 6), you must enter details about what needs to be changed in the Changed ICP Information section of the form. Note: This section will not display if you selected “Cancel” as the request type.
In the Changed ICP Information section, input details to let HR know what needs to be changed.
Effective Date From: input the original ICP payroll start (from) and end ( to) dates
Work Date From: input the Work start (from) and end (to) dates
Amount: input total ICP amount
Funding Source: Input the fund, department, cost center, supplemental and project segment along with the % of the ICP distribution tied to the funding source. If there are multiple funding strings tied to the same start date, select “Add Another Entry” button to add additional rows. The % Distribution must equal 100% whether entering one or multiple rows.
Comments: Add any important details about the ICP change request in the Comments section of the form. HR Processors read all comments and will reach out to form submitters if any clarification is needed.
Step 7: Enter Additional Reviewer Information
Select “Yes” or “No” in response to the question “Is this a grant funded position?”
If yes, type the Principal Investigator’s user name (first part of the employee’s Boise State email address) in the Principal Investigator UserName field.
Select “Yes” or “No” in response to the question “Does this position require review by costing department?”
If yes, type the reviewer’s user name (first part of the employee’s Boise State email address) in the Costing Department Approver UserName field.
(Optional) Add Supporting Documentation
If applicable, add supporting documentation by selecting the “Add Supporting Documents” button at the bottom of the form.
Step 8: Validate the Request
After you have entered all the information on the form, click the “Validate Request” button at the bottom of the form. This will make sure that all required fields have been filled out.
Step 9: Save or Print
After the form has been validated as complete, it is recommended that you select Print to save a copy of the ICP since you will not be able to view the form after submitting the request.
Select the Print button to save the document as a pdf. This document can be named and stored in accordance with department practices.
Step 10: Submit
After successful validation, a “Submit Request” button will populate.
Select Submit Request to route the request through the approval workflow.
What’s next?
The submitted request will route to the Supervisor/Manager designated on the form, then the assigned Funding Source Manager of the department indicated on the form.
Following the Funding Source Manager approval, the form will route to HR for initial review then the costing department and/or PI if indicated, and next it will route to the College / Division Level Approvers. If the additional pay is submitted for faculty, the action will also route to the Provost Office. Finally, the form will route to HR for final review.
End of Process
Need help with the steps above?
Office of Continuous Improvement
1910 University Dr. Boise, ID 83725-1247