Employee Separation

Employee Separation

Important Notes:

  • Separation types include: Death, End of Appointment, Failure to Complete Entrance Probation, Government Job, Involuntary Termination, Layoff/Shortage of Work, Personal Reasons, Retirement and Transfer to Other State Agency.

    • End of Appointment is only applicable for student employees and non benefit eligible employees

    • Failure to Complete Entrance Probation is only applicable for classified employees

    • Government Job is only applicable for benefit eligible employees

    • Transfer to another state agency is only applicable for benefit eligible employees transferring to another position with the state of Idaho

Step 1: Access the Employee Separation and Log in via Boise State SSO

  1. Access the Change in Contract Working Dates form by selecting this link

  2. Enter your user name and password in the Boise State single sign on (SSO) window.

If you get an error message after attempting to login, try accessing the form through an incognito browser. To access the form using an incognito browser, right click this link and select “Open link in incognito window.” You may also copy the link and open the form in a separate browser.

Access the Employee Separation form by selecting this link.

Step 2: Select the Employee HR Department

  1. Type the 5 digit HR department of the department that houses the employee assignment record in the “Select Department” drop-down field.

  2. Select the appropriate department.

Step 3: Locate the Employee

  1. Select “Yes” in response to the question “Is this change for an active assignment?”. All active employees for the department selected will populate.

  2. Select an Employee from the “Select Employee” dropdown menu. The Employee information will auto-populate on the form.

    1. Related employee details will populate in the Employee Information section of the form.

Step 4: Enter Separation Details

  1. Select the Type of Separation from the dropdown menu.

Separation types include: Death, End of Appointment, Failure to Complete Entrance Probation, Government Job, Involuntary Termination, Layoff/Shortage of Work, Personal Reasons, Retirement and Transfer to Other State Agency.

Notes on separation types:

  • End of Appointment is only applicable for student employees and non benefit eligible employees

  • Failure to Complete Entrance Probation is only applicable for classified employees

  • Government Job is only applicable for benefit eligible employees

  • Transfer to another state agency is only applicable for benefit eligible employees transferring to another position with the state of Idaho

  1. Last Day Employed: Enter the last date the employee will be paid. Visit the Payroll and Holiday Calendars to confirm pay period dates as needed.

  2. Answer “Yes” or “No” to the question “Will vacation be paid out from a different funding than what is listed on the employee’s assignment?”. Run the Active Employee Funding Pay report to see an employee’s assignment funding information.

    1. If you answer “yes”, enter the Funding String in the table that appears on the form. The funding string will validate the funding string entered to ensure an active string is submitted. Only one funding string can be entered on an employee separation.

  3. Comments: Add any important details about this employee costing change request. HR Processors read all comments and will reach out to form submitters if any clarification is needed.

Step 5: Enter Additional Reviewer Information

  1. Select “Yes” or “No” in response to the question “Is this a grant funded position?

    1. If yes, type the Principal Investigator’s user name (first part of the employee’s Boise State email address) in the Principal Investigator UserName field.

  2. Select “Yes” or “No” in response to the question “Does this position require review by costing department?

    1. If yes, type the reviewer’s user name (first part of the employee’s Boise State email address) in the Costing Department Approver UserName field.

(Optional) Add Supporting Documentation

If applicable, add supporting documentation by selecting the “Add Supporting Documents” button at the bottom of the form. A couple of examples include but are not limited to: attaching an incorrect contract with the needed changes, or a screenshot of a submitted data change that will need to be reflected in a new contract.

Step 6: Validate Request

After you have entered all the information on the form, click the “Validate Request” button at the bottom of the form. This will make sure that all required fields have been filled out.

Step 8: Submit

After the form has been validated as complete, a “Submit Request” button shall appear at the bottom of the form. Select this button to submit the form, and it will be routed forward for approvals.

What happens next?

End of Process

Need help with the steps above?




Office of Continuous Improvement
1910 University Dr. Boise, ID 83725-1247