Account Analysis Report
Important Notes:
The Account Analysis Report (AAR) can be used to retrieve transaction detail by the account segment. The report can be run using hierarchies and date range.
The report can be scheduled to run on an interval. Visit this resource for context about the AAR columns.
After running the AAR, if needed you can use any of the following pivot macro as a supplemental tool to format the data from the AAR using filters, groups, to view the information in a reader-friendly format:
Account Analysis Pivot Macro - link to instructions for using the account analysis pivot
Budget Office Account Analysis Pivot Macro - link to instructions for using the budget pivot
Detail Transaction Account Analysis Pivot Macro - link to instructions for using the detail pivot
Grant Account Analysis Pivot Macro - link to instructions for using the grant pivot
Step 1: Locate and Launch the Report
Access Boise State Reporting Budget & Finance and locate Account Analysis Report.
Boise State Reporting will display the reports in either a List or Card view.
Change your view by selecting either List View or Card View in the upper navigation.
By default, this report launches with the category filter set to “All Reports”. If needed, update the Filter by Category drop-down to view reports specific to one area of reporting
Favorite commonly used reports by selecting Favorite in card view and the star icon in list view.
After locating the Account Analysis Report, select Launch on the report card or Launch located on the right side of the report name if you’re in list view.
If you need to request report access, submit an Access Request Form. When submitting the access request, include the name of the report and any other details that might be needed.
Step 2: Create the Scheduled Process
Select Schedule New Process.
Select the drop-down menu to the right of Name and select Search.
In the search window, type Account Analysis Report then select Search.
Select the row that contains “Account Analysis Report” and select OK.
Step 3: Enter Search Parameters
Select the parameters for the requested report.
Subledger Application: Leave blank to include all subledger details.
Ledger: Select the appropriate ledger:
OPERATIONS: Includes all transaction details including actual and encumbrance.
BUDGET: Includes all budget-related transactions.
Select the appropriate From and To Accounting Period. The Accounting Period entry details depend on the type of Ledger selected.
For BUDGET ledger, enter the fiscal year you’re searching for.
For OPERATIONS ledger, enter the accounting period month for the fiscal year you’re searching for.
Balance Type: Leave blank to include both actual and encumbrance data.
Encumbrance Type: Leave blank to include all encumbrance data.
Include Accounts with No Activity: Leave defaulted as No. Yes will produce an error.
Account: Enter at least one costing segment. Costing segments examples include Fund, Department, Cost Center and Account.
Select the filter icon then select Add Fields and choose the field to enter. Continue adding fields by selecting Add Fields and using the drop-down fields to locate the specific funding segment string value. After adding at least one segment, select OK.
Step 4: Enter Submission Notes
Enter report details in the Submission Notes. Submission notes allow you to search for previously ran reports.
Step 5: Schedule the Report for Future Notification
(Skip this step if you do not want to schedule the report to send at a later date)
To schedule the report to send at a later date, select Advanced.
Select the Output tab. Select the plus sign and enter the following:
Name: Best practice is to use the same naming convention used for Submission Notes.
Layout: Select Excel output- campus
Format: Leave default as Excel (*.xlsx)
Select Add Destination and select E-Mail.
Add the recipient email to the To section of the Destinations screen. Update the Subject to a meaningful name.
Select the Schedule Tab and select parameters for how often you’d like the data to generate and send.
After creating the schedule, select Submit.
Step 6: Submit the Report to Start the Report Generation Process
After entering report parameters, select Submit to run the report.
A confirmation notification will appear. Select OK and select Close.
Step 7: Refresh Scheduled Processes Screen
Select the Refresh icon on the scheduled processes screen.
Once the process shows Succeeded under Status, the results are ready to be reviewed.
Step 8: Review Report Output
Select the row of the report you want to view (a row showing a completed status). The Account Analysis Report, XXXXX Details information will appear below the search results rows.
Select Default Document located under Output to open Excel document. If you designated a file name, “Default Document” will be replaced by the naming convention entered.
End of Process
Need help with the steps above?
Office of Continuous Improvement
1910 University Dr. Boise, ID 83725-1247