Account Analysis Column Context
Important Notes:
The table below provides context about each column in the Account Analysis Report (AAR) and the Account Analysis Pivot.
The AAR output includes the funding string segment (e.g. fund, department, cost center aka FDCC).
If you aren’t familiar with funding strings at the university, visit the All Segment Values & Funding Segment String Training Portal webpage.
Account Analysis Report Column Context
Column Heading | Format | Context |
FISCAL_YEAR | YYYY (e.g. 2023) | Indicates the fiscal year of the transaction. |
PERIOD | X (e.g. 1) | Indicates the period that the transaction is posted in. |
PERIOD_NAME | X-YY (e.g. 1-23) | Combines the period and fiscal year. |
BALANCE_TYPE | Actual or Encumbrance | Actual: The transaction has posted to the ledger as an expense, revenue or surplus transfer. Encumbrance: Funds that have been reserved for a specific transaction. |
ENCUMBRANCE_TYPE | Commitment Obligation P-Card Travel | Commitment: Approved requisitions. Obligation: Approved POs. P-Card: P-Card transactions that have not posted as actuals. Travel: Reimbursable cost associated with approved travel authorizations. |
FUND | XXXX | Four character value used to identify the fund source. |
FUND_DESC | Text | The description of the fund value. |
DEPARTMENT | XXXXX | Five character value used to identify the department or unit within the University |
COST_CENTER | XXXXXXX | Seven character value used to identify the cost center. |
COST_CENTER_DESC | Text | The description of the cost center value. |
NATURAL_ACCOUNT | XXXXXX | Six character value used to identify the account code. |
NATURAL_ACCOUNT_DESC | Text | The description of the account value. |
SUPPLEMENTAL | XXXXXXXXXX | Ten character value defined by departments to identify various activities within the department. |
INTERFUND | 0000 | Four character value used for system configuration. |
PROJECT | XXXXXXXXXX | Ten character value used to identify the project/sponsor data. |
FUTURE1 | 0000000000 | Ten character value used for system configuration. |
NET_AMOUNT | $0.00 | Amount of the transaction. |
ACCTNG_DATE | YYYY-MM-DD | The date a transaction is reflected in the ledger. |
TRANSACTION_NUMBER | Text | Indicates the system generated transaction numbers for the related transaction. |
APPLICATION_NAME | Text | Indicates the application in the system that was used to process the transaction. |
JE_SOURCE_NAME | Text | Indicates how the transaction originated. |
JE_CATEGORY_NAME | Text | Indicates the type of journal. ie. deposit, payables, corrections, etc. |
GL_BATCH_NAME | Text | System generated and indicates the name of the journal batch. |
GL_BATCH_DESC | Text | Blank Column |
GL_JE_NAME | Text | Includes the system or spreadsheet description for the transaction. |
SUBLEDGER_JE_DESC | Text | Transaction details from both spreadsheets and internal transactions. |
GL_JE_DESC | Text | Blank Column |
GL_LINE_DESC | Text | Blank Column |
GL_LINE_NUMBER | XXXX | Indicates the line number from the batch or transaction. |
SUBLEDGER_JE_LINE_DESC | Text | Description from spreadsheet rows. |
PARTY_NAME | Text | Supplier or Employee from internal transactions. |
ADDITIONAL_INFO | Text | Blank Column |
ACCOUNTING_CODE_COMBINATION | Text | Provides the combined funding source string. |
CODE_COMBINATION_DESC | Text | Provides the combined funding source string as descriptions. |
Account Analysis Pivot Column Context
Column Heading | Format | Context |
AMOUNT | $0.00 | Total amount for each rollup item. The pivot reverses the signs for all transactions. |
AREA | Text | Identifies the area the associate department rolls up to in the hierarchy. |
CC-DESCRIPTION | Text | Combines the cost center value and description. |
TRANS_TYPE | Text | Identifies the type of transaction in order to differentiate between budget and expense transactions. |
FDCC | Text | Combines funding segments and cost center description. |
LEDGER | Text | Identifies appropriate ledger for each row. |
AUXACCT | Text | Identifies the appropriate auxilliary budget rollup. |
ACCT | Text | Combines the account segment value and description. |
BUDACCT | Text | Identifies the budget rollup for each account segment by row. |
Office of Continuous Improvement
1910 University Dr. Boise, ID 83725-1247