Purchasing goods or services
PunchOut Catalogs
PunchOut Catalogs are an e-procurement process that allows you to “punch out” to approved suppliers offering the university contract pricing.
PunchOut Catalogs are the preferred procurement method for the list of approved suppliers below:
Amazon Business Solutions
Fisher Scientific
ODP Business Solutions (Office Depot)
The Home Depot
P-Card is the preferred payment method for small dollar purchases as outlined in Purchasing (6130) and P-Card (6140) policies.
View P-Card job aids and resources
Purchase Requisition
A Purchase Requisition should be submitted when Jaggaer is not an option and purchase amounts are above P-Card limits.
Purchase Requisitions are submitted to purchase goods and/or services from an external supplier; purchases can include software renewal and service contract renewals.
View Purchase Requisition job aids and resources
Procure to Pay Wizard
Use the Procure to Pay Wizard to determine the correct procurement or payment process to follow