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If you’re new to Travel Authorizations, expand the section below for important information and best practices, required documentation and information about self guided training. |
title | Important things to know about Travel Authorizations (expand to read more) |
What is a Travel Authorization? | When do I submit a Travel Authorization? | Who do I contact for support? | Policies and Resources |
A Travel Authorizations are a pre-authorization submitted before an employee travels outside of a 100 mile radius of their workstation. Travel Authorizations:
| When an employee travels outside of a 100 mile radius, from their official work station, |
A Travel Authorization is required (1) by the State of Idaho, (2) to encumber/reserve funds, (3) for Duty of Care, and (4) for absence approval documentation purposes.
Any applicable reimbursements do not take place until the employee returns from travel and an Expense Report is submitted and approved. |
Visit Expense Reports. |
Personal travel must be clearly identified and documented when combined with business travel.
To ensure proper reimbursement, telecommute agreements should be setup with HR when employees will be working from somewhere outside the University or one of the University Satellite offices. For more information on telecommuting, select this link.
If you’re new to Employee Travel visit the Best Practices page for tips and information on required documentation/attachments needed for successful submission and processing.
Email for support with employee travel and reimbursements.
Travel Authorization Approval Routing
Tip |
View where a Travel Authorization is in the approval workflow by following these step by step instructions. |
Links to related policies, tools and resources
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Additional Training Resource
Employee travel support
Email for support with employee travel and reimbursementReporting on Travel Authorizations
Expense Reports – Campus Transaction Dashboard
Run the Expense Reports – Campus Transaction Dashboard to view detailed reimbursement details like related Expense Report requester, reimbursement amount, reimbursement status, date of reimbursement and funding segment string used to code the transaction.
Appropriated and Local Summary – BvA
Run the Budget vs Actuals (BvA) Reports at least once per month to ensure accuracy of financial transaction reporting and proper budget management.
Run the Appropriated and Local Summary – BvA to review encumbrances related to employee travel. Encumbrances are released after a related Expense Report is submitted and approved. For more information about BvA Reporting, visit Financial Reporting.