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  • Submit, Edit or View Invoice Payments without PO

  • Submit Invoice Payment - Digital Payment

  • Submit Invoice Payments with PO

    What is an Invoice Payment?

    When do I submit an Invoice Payment?

    Who do I contact for support?

    Policies and Resources

    Invoice Payments are submitted for products and services that cannot be paid for via P-Card.

    If you need to bill an external customer, customers outside Boise State, for goods/services your department provided, visit

    the training portal page for more information. An external customer is any individual or organization outside of Boise State UniversityInvoice Payments are generally submitted

    Submit an Invoice Payment to pay for memberships, subscriptions,

    non-employee reimbursements,

    and payments to suppliers that cannot accept P-Card.

    If you are reimbursing a non-employee, refer to the instructions on how to reimburse non-employees.If paying for transactions that are not tax reportable,

    The Digital Invoice Payment option should be used for non-taxable transactions like student per diems, and reimbursements and refunds to non-employees. Digital Payments are designed for individuals,

    you can consider submitting invoice payments that are paid via digital payment option.
  • Use the Procure to Pay Wizard to determine which process to follow for different payment types.

  • Submitted Invoice Payments are reviewed by Payables prior to being forwarded through the Standard Approval Workflow in Bronco Hub. For more details, visit UFS Transaction Process Flows.

  • If submitting an Invoice Payment for an invoice without an invoice number, use the Invoice Numbering Convention document to generate a unique invoice number.

  • To check the status of a submitted Invoice Payment, follow the instructions on the Reviewing Invoice Payment Status job aid

  • P-Card is the preferred purchasing method for goods and services.

  • If paying for items that include a Purchase Order (PO) use this Purchase Order payment form.

  • If paying a student, use the Upload Payment Determination Form webpage to determine next steps.

  • Email for support with invoice payments.

  • Internal Payments
    Job Aid

    Training opportunities

    Self-Guided Training: Introduction to Invoice Payments

    Invoice Payment Approval Workflow

    Visual of Invoice Approval WorkflowImage Added

    titleExpand this section for a text description of Invoice Payment approval routing

    Submitted Invoice Payments route to:

    1. Line manager of the employee listed as the “Requester” in the Invoice (or Digital) Payment;

    2. Fund manager of the Department segment included in the “Charge Account” field of the Invoice (or Digital) Payment.

    The request will route to additional approvers if the following conditions apply:

    1. PI if project funds are used;

    2. Department Chair or Director for amounts greater than $9,999;

    3. Department Dean or AVP for amounts greater than $24,999;

    4. VP for amounts greater than $49,000.

    After department approvals are complete, the request routes to Payables for review and processing.


    Visit Approval Workflow Routing & Routing Changes to view your designated department approvers or learn more about the Bronco Hub Approval Workflow.

    Reporting on Invoice Payments

    Invoice Payment Search Functionality

    Use the search functionality in the Invoices module to view details for a specific invoice or invoices for a specific supplier. View details like name of the Invoice Payment requester, amount of the Invoice Payment and Invoice Payment approval status.

    Visit the Reviewing Invoice Payment Status job aid for more details

    Transaction Approval Dashboard

    Run the Transaction Approval Dashboard to view approval status information.

    This dashboard should be used to identify where transactions are currently at in the approval process or to review the approval history.

  • Transaction Approval Dashboard
    Use the Transaction Approval Dashboard to view approval status information for Invoice Payments submitted by your department. This dashboard should be used to identify where transactions are currently at in the approval process or to review the approval history.

  • Department Financial Summary Review
    Prior to approving financial transactions, the department funding source person is responsible for confirming the availability of funds.

  • For transactions coded to an appropriated fund, run the Remaining Appropriated Budget Report. This report provides a summary of the remaining budget for appropriated funding sources.

  • For transactions coded to a local fund, run the Local Budget Variance Report. This report provides a summary of the budget and actual expenses for local funding sources

    Payables – Campus Transaction Dashboard

    Use the Payables – Campus Transaction Dashboard to view a larger amount of payable data based on your search criteria. This report is easily exportable to excel for further analysis.

    Details like Invoice Payment requester, amount, status, date of payment and funding segment string used to code the transaction. Confirm the accuracy of the funding segment string used for Invoice Payments.

    If an incorrect segment string was used to code a transaction, a Payables Correction must be submitted. Visit

    Financial Transaction Corrections for more information.

    Correcting Entries Matrix for more information.

    Appropriated and Local Summary – BvA

    The Budget vs Actuals (BvA)


    should be reviewed at least once per month to

    monitor department-specific financial activity for combinations of funding segment string values by fund. For more information about BvA Reporting, visit Financial Reporting.

    Links to related policies, tools and resources

    • Invoice Payment Best Practices & FAQs


    Additional Training Resource

    Invoice Payment Support

    Email for support with employee reimbursement and Expense Reports

    ensure accuracy of financial transaction reporting and proper budget management.