Bronco Hub approvers can choose to delegate approval to another employee as needed; approval delegation is a great option when approvers are on leave. Delegations can be created for a specific period or indefinitely.
There are 3 approval workflows in Bronco Hub.
Financial Tasks: Expense Reports, Invoice Payments, Requisitions and Budget.
Absence: Time Approval and Absence Approval.
HR Manager Self Service: New hires, Re-hires, Data Change, Add Assignment, Promotion, and Salary Change.
Approvers must create delegation rules based on the type(s) of approval action to delegate to another employee
The Office of Continuous Improvement (OCI) cannot add, edit, or remove approval delegations.
Delegation rules (adding or removing) must be completed by the current approver delegating approval authority.
Step 1: Log in to Bronco Hub & Access Worklist Preferences
Begin by signing in to Bronco Hub.
Select the Notification Bell in the upper-right-hand corner.
Select Show All.
The “Show All” view will vary depending on whether or not you have transactions pending action or if you have no notifications to display.
Select Worklist in the upper right-hand corner.
Within the BPM Worklist window, select the chevron to the right of your name.
Select Preferences from the drop down list.
Step 2: Create Delegation Approval Rule
Select My Rules from the left navigation.
Select the + icon.
Input the following details about the rule:
Name: Enter a name for the delegation rule you’re creating.
Include the name of the person you are delegating approval authority to.
Use as vacation rule: Select the checkbox if this delegation rule will be in place while you’re on vacation.
Execute rule only between these dates: Select the checkbox to designate the rule for a specific time frame. Once the checkbox is selected, enter a Start Date and Enter Date.
Delegate All Approval Tasks
**Jump to the next section if you want to delegate some but not all approval actions**
Select All Tasks from the TASKS dropdown.
Select Delegate to
Select the magnifying glass to search for the employee you’re delegating to.
Use any of the search parameters to locate the employee. Search parameter options include:
Users (see note below)
First Name
Last Name
ID Number
If you search for an employee using the Users field you must enter the username as it shows up in the individual’s email. Example: email type bettybronco (no spaces).
After entering at least one search parameter, select Search.
Select the radio button next to the appropriate name and select Ok.
Select Save in the upper right corner.
The rule will be in place according to the parameters specified in the saved rule.
To remove a previously saved Approval Rule, select User Rule from the left navigation Rules panel and select the X.
End of Process
Delegate Some (not all) Approval Tasks
**skip this step if you delegated all tasks as outlined above**
Select Tasks matching these conditions from the TASKS dropdown.
Select the chevron to the right of the +.
Select Basic.
Select Category.
In the Category dropdown, select contains and type the bolded text of one of the following options into the additional field.
Financial Tasks: Expense Reports, Invoice Payments, Requisitions and Budget.
Absence: Time Approval and Absence Approval.
HR (MSS Tasks): New hires, Re-hires, Data Change, Add Assignment, Promotion, and Salary Change.
To add more than one delegation rule, repeat this step from the beginning.
Select Delegate to
Select the magnifying glass to search for the employee you’re delegating to.
Use any of the search parameters to locate the employee. Search parameter options include:
Users (see note below)
First Name
Last Name
ID Number
If you search for an employee using the Users field you must enter the username as it shows up in the individual’s email. Example: email type bettybronco (no spaces).
After entering at least one search parameter, select Search.
Select the radio button next to the appropriate name and select Ok.
Select Save in the upper right corner.
The rule will be in place according to the parameters specified in the saved rule.
To remove a previously saved Approval Rule, select User Rule from the left navigation Rules panel and select the X.
End of Process
Need help with the steps above?
If you need assistance with the process outlined above OR have suggestions to improve the instructions in this job aid, please submit an OCI Service Request ticket.