This guide walks you through the steps to set up Direct Deposit information for expense reimbursement. Direct deposits for expense reimbursements are separate from payroll direct deposit. If you do not set up a direct deposit account for expense reimbursement, Bronco Hub defaults your direct deposit information in the Expenses module to match that used by payroll. Only follow the steps below if you want to add a different bank account.
If you have two accounts set up for your payroll direct deposit for regular paychecks, you must designate one account as the “primary” account to receive your expense report reimbursement.
Jump to DEACTIVATE a bank account.
Log in to Bronco Hub and Access the Expenses module
Begin by signing in to Bronco Hub.
Select Me from the top navigation section of Bronco Hub and then select Expenses.
Step 2: Access Me tab of Bronco Hub
Access Me from the top navigation section of Bronco Hub.
Step 3: Access the Expenses Module
Click the Expenses module.
Step 4: Access Manage Bank Accounts
Click on the gear icon, located in the upper right-hand corner, and click Manage Bank Accounts.
Step 5: Add Bank Account Information
Select the + icon located under Manage Bank Accounts.
Enter Account Number, Account Type, and Bank. (Country will default to the United States; do not change this). Allow the system to search for the Bank. If the Bank is found, select the correct routing number for your bank in the list. If only one routing number is present, confirm it’s the routing number tied to your account number. If it is not, submit a ticket using the OCI Service Request link. OCI will add the bank branch with the routing number if needed.
After filling out the required fields, click Save and Close.
(OPTIONAL) Deactivate a Bank Account
If needed, deactivate a bank account by selecting the hyperlinked bank account name from the Manage Bank Accounts screen.
Uncheck the box to the right of Active to deactivate the account.
Please Note: If the Account Type field is blank, you will encounter an error when attempting to deactivate the account (IBY-825870). If you encounter this error, please submit an OCI Service Request ticket for assistance with deactivating the account.
The bank account will remain active for the remainder of the day and will deactivate in Bronco Hub as of the following day.
Add Additional Accounts (as needed)
Repeat the process outlined in step 5 to add additional bank accounts.
A Primary Bank Account must be designated by clicking the row of the bank account and clicking Primary. The primary account will be indicated by a checkmark.
After adding bank account information, click Done.
What’s next:
To make changes to an existing Bank Account, click on the hyperlink for the appropriate bank account and update as needed.