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This guide outlines the steps to submit a reimbursement request (Expense Report) in Bronco Hub

Important Notes:

  • Expense Reports must be submitted within 60 days of the end date of travel or the date the expense is incurred.

  • Expenses reported after 60 days are subject to tax withholding.

  • Expense Reports submitted after 120 days after the end date of travel or the date the expense occurs will not be reimbursed.

  • The Event Expense Summary is a required attachment for meals and refreshment reimbursements.

Jump to withdraw, duplicate or edit an Expense Report


Tips for success:

  1. Always confirm you’re submitting the request for the correct employee.

  2. Include a valid business purpose with enough details to ensure auditors understand the business justification for the expense.

  3. Project funded reimbursement must be submitted using a POET template as outlined in applicable job aids.

  4. Add one Expense Line per expense type per funding segment string. e.g. If all taxi receipts will be paid for using the same funding string, create one expense line for the total taxi cost of all the taxi receipts rather than creating individual lines for each individual receipt.

  5. Add all reimbursable receipts as one attachment upload to Bronco Hub and non-reimbursable receipts as another attachment upload.

  6. Orient receipts the same way when scanning and uploading to help with review and processing.

Step 1: Log in to Bronco Hub and Access Expenses

  1. Begin by signing in to Bronco Hub.

  2. Select Me from the top navigation section of Bronco Hub and then select .

  3. Select Expenses.

Step 2: Identify the employee being reimbursed

IF If you are submitting the reimbursement request on behalf of someone else, select the appropriate name from the Owner drop down field.


If you do not see the name of an employee in the list, let them know they need to follow the instructions outlined in the Delegate Expense Report Submissions job aid to give you permission to enter the reimbursement request for them



After selecting the applicable name, select Create Report.

IF you are submitting the reimbursement request for yourself, leave the Owner field blank and .


Always confirm the name on the Expense Report prior to submitting to ensure the reimbursement is being processed for the right person.

After selecting the applicable name, select Create Report.


Step 3: Enter Expense Report Header Information

  1. Enter a valid business purpose in the Purpose field. Valid business purposes include detailed information about WHY the expense was incurred, WHO is involved in the expense, and when the expense incurred. [Example: B. Bronco/ Fresno/Salt Lake City Research 7/22-24/19]

  2. Add Attachments byselecting the + sign to the right of the Attachments field. Attach relevant documentation that supports the reimbursement request. Examples: approved Travel Authorization, flight itinerary, itemized receipts, Event Expense Summary]. After adding attachments, click Ok.


Examples of required attachments:

  • Copies of receipts for reimbursable items.

  • Reimbursement for non-travel related expenses must include itemized receipt, payment receipt, and event expense summary (if applicable).

  • Flight itinerary with dates and times of flight; if personal travel occurs, a flight cost comparison is required.

  • Per Diem calculator for meals and incidentals related to travel (no receipts necessary).

  1. In the Travel Authorization field, enter the 9-digit number if the Expense Report is tied to travel. If the Expense Report is not tied to travel, enter 000000000.

Step 4: Create Expense Item & Enter Expense Item Details


Expense Items should only be created for reimbursable items.

  1. To add an item elect Create Item located below Expense Items.


  1. In Enter the Date field, enter the date the expense was incurred. The date will either be the date listed on the receipt of the item being reimbursed OR if the reimbursement is travel-related, use the last date day of travel . Future dates cannot be enteredas the Date (regardless of the date the expense was incurred). The date entered must occur in the past; Expense Reports cannot be submitted for future expenses.


Bronco Hub will only display dates that align with the employee’s current assignment start date. For example, if an employee has an assignment that starts on 8/1/2023, all dates before 8/1/2023 will be grayed out.

  • If you are reimbursing an employee for expenses that occurred prior to their current assignment start date, select the date that’s available in the system and add notes about the true dates in the Description field of the expense item.

  • If you are using sponsored project/grant funding, and need the reimbursement date to match the expense item date, you will need to submit a correcting entry to correct the dates once the amounts are posted to the ledger.



After entering the item details, select Create Another, in the upper right corner, to add another item for reimbursement OR select Save and Close to continue with Expense Report submission.

If needed, refer to the instructions in step 4 for each Expense Item added.

Step 5: Save or Submit Expense Report

After you select Save and Close, you will be routed to the Expense Report submission page. If needed, make note of the Expense Report number in the upper left corner (this number is helpful when following up on approvals or expense details at a later date). Before submitting, confirm all reimbursable items are listed in the Expense Items section in the lower portion of the submission page.

Select the Terms and Conditions “I have read and accept the corporate travel and expense policies.” checkbox. Then either Save the Expense Report, to come back to it at a later date, or Submit the Expense Report for approval routing and processing.


What’s next:

Once submitted, the Expense Report will route to the approvers in the approval workflow.

titleExpand this section for a text description of Expense Report approval routing

Submitted Expense Reports route to:

  1. Employee being reimbursed (the employee is skipped if they are also the requester);

  2. Expense Report auditor review

  3. Line manager of the employee being reimbursed;

  4. Fund manager of the Department included in the “Charge to” field of the expense item(s).

The request will route to additional approvers if the following conditions apply:

  1. PI if project funds are used;

  2. Department Head, Chair, or Director if the transaction is greater than $9,999;

  3. Dean or Associate Vice President if the transaction is greater than $24,999;

  4. Vice President if the transaction is greater than $49,999.

Reimbursement will take place once all approvers have approved the transaction.


View the approval status or details of an Expense Report by following the instructions outlined here.

Troubleshooting Expense Reports

End of Process


Withdraw, Duplicate or Edit an Expense Report

All Expense Reports will display as individual tiles on the Travel and Expense landing page of Bronco Hub. To navigate to the Travel and Expense page, login to Bronco Hub and select My Organization from the top navigation section of Bronco Hub and then select Expenses.



If you make edits to the Expense Report, you must submit the changes in order for them to route through the approval workflow for review, approval and processing.

End of Process


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