Info |
Important Notes:
Account Analysis Report Column Context
Column Heading | Format | Context |
FISCAL_YEAR | YYYY (e.g. 2023) | Indicates the fiscal year of the transaction. |
PERIOD | X (e.g. 1) | Indicates the period that the transaction is posted in. |
PERIOD_NAME | X-YY (e.g. 1-23) | Combines the period and fiscal year. |
BALANCE_TYPE | Actual or Encumbrance | Actual: The transaction has posted to the ledger as an expense, revenue or surplus transfer. Encumbrance: Funds that have been reserved for a specific transaction. |
ENCUMBRANCE_TYPE | Commitment Obligation P-Card Travel | Commitment: Approved requisitions. Obligation: Approved POs. P-Card: P-Card transactions that have not posted as actuals. Travel: Reimbursable cost associated with approved travel authorizations. |
FUND | XXXX | Four character value used to identify the fund source. |
FUND_DESC | Text | The description of the fund value. |
DEPARTMENT | XXXXX | Five character value used to identify the department or unit within the University |
COST_CENTER | XXXXXXX | Seven character value used to identify the cost center. |
COST_CENTER_DESC | Text | The description of the cost center value. |
NATURAL_ACCOUNT | XXXXXX | Six character value used to identify the account code. |
NATURAL_ACCOUNT_DESC | Text | The description of the account value. |
SUPPLEMENTAL | XXXXXXXXXX | Ten character value defined by departments to identify various activities within the department. |
INTERFUND | 0000 | Four character value used for system configuration. |
PROJECT | XXXXXXXXXX | Ten character value used to identify the project/sponsor data. |
FUTURE1 | 0000000000 | Ten character value used for system configuration. |
NET_AMOUNT | $0.00 | Amount of the transaction. |
ACCTNG_DATE | YYYY-MM-DD | The date a transaction is reflected in the ledger. |
TRANSACTION_NUMBER | Text | Indicates the system generated transaction numbers for the related transaction. |
APPLICATION_NAME | Text | Indicates the application in the system that was used to process the transaction. |
JE_SOURCE_NAME | Text | Indicates how the transaction originated. |
JE_CATEGORY_NAME | Text | Indicates the type of journal. ie. deposit, payables, corrections, etc. |
GL_BATCH_NAME | Text | System generated and indicates the name of the journal batch. |
GL_BATCH_DESC | Text | Blank Column |
GL_JE_NAME | Text | Includes the system or spreadsheet description for the transaction. |
SUBLEDGER_JE_DESC | Text | Transaction details from both spreadsheets and internal transactions. |
GL_JE_DESC | Text | Blank Column |
GL_LINE_DESC | Text | Blank Column |
GL_LINE_NUMBER | XXXX | Indicates the line number from the batch or transaction. |
SUBLEDGER_JE_LINE_DESC | Text | Description from spreadsheet rows. |
PARTY_NAME | Text | Supplier or Employee from internal transactions. |
ADDITIONAL_INFO | Text | Blank Column |
ACCOUNTING_CODE_COMBINATION | Text | Provides the combined funding source string. |
CODE_COMBINATION_DESC | Text | Provides the combined funding source string as descriptions. |
Account Analysis Pivot Column Context
Column Heading | Format | Context |
AMOUNT | $0.00 | Total amount for each rollup item. The pivot reverses the signs for all transactions. |
AREA | Text | Identifies the area the associate department rolls up to in the hierarchy. |
CC-DESCRIPTION | Text | Combines the cost center value and description. |
TRANS_TYPE | Text | Identifies the type of transaction in order to differentiate between budget and expense transactions. |
FDCC | Text | Combines funding segments and cost center description. |
LEDGER | Text | Identifies appropriate ledger for each row. |
AUXACCT | Text | Identifies the appropriate auxilliary budget rollup. |
ACCT | Text | Combines the account segment value and description. |
BUDACCT | Text | Identifies the budget rollup for each account segment by row. |