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Overview, Support & Policies

What are financial corrections?

Financial corrections are submitted to correct costing / funding (fund, department, cost center, supplemental, project) for any of the following:

  • Payroll activity (includes fringe)

  • Individual Compensation (ICP)

  • Employee Assignment Costing

  • Expense Reports

  • Invoice Payments

  • P-Card

Who do I contact for support?

  • For support with Employee Costing Changes, ICP/ Supplemental Pay or Time Card costing corrections, submit an HR ServiceNow Request.

  • For support with correcting payroll activity that posted prior to 6 pay periods from the current pay period email

  • For support with Payables Corrections (expense reports, invoices, p-card), email or call (208) 426-3434.


Access a PDF of the Correcting Entries Matrix(includes links to process resources)

Visual of the correcting entries matrix. The content included in the visual is outlined in text below.

Assignment Costing & Payroll Corrections

Correct payroll activity OR supplemental pay, for an active employee, occurring within 6 pay periods from the current pay period.

Correct payroll activity OR supplemental pay, for an active employee, occurring beyond 6 pay periods from the current pay period.

Correct payroll activity OR supplemental pay for an inactive employee, regardless of when the activity posted.

Correct payroll activity with sponsored project funding.

Correct payroll activity due to time card costing overrides.


Refer to the HR Payroll schedule to determine allowable ECC timeframes.

*see sponsored project and time card exceptions



Correct payroll activity OR supplemental pay, for an active employee, occurring beyond 6 pay periods from the current pay period.


Refer to the HR Payroll schedule to determine allowable ECC timeframes.

  • Submit a Payroll Correction Request to correct payroll activity OR supplemental pay occurred prior to 6 pay periods from the current pay period.

Correct payroll activity OR supplemental pay for an inactive employee, regardless of when the activity posted.


Run the Active Employee Funding and Pay report to confirm

the employee

assignment status

is inactive


Correct payroll activity with sponsored project funding


Regardless of when the activity posted, submit a Payroll Correction Request

IF you need

to complete any of the following:

  1. Reallocate or correct over- time expenses to or from a sponsored project.

  2. Reallocate fringe amounts as
    required by sponsored program

  3. Reallocate partial payroll posting or a fixed amount.

Correct payroll activity due to time card costing overrides

Financial Transaction Corrections

Correct an Expense Report, Invoice Payment, or P-Card Transaction

Does the item needing correction have a transaction number?

Please note, Expense Report Invoice corrections do not display in the Campus Transaction Dashboard but can be tracked in the Account Analysis Report.

Request a Department Deposit, Reallocation, Surplus Transfer or change in accounting on an Accounts Receivable Billing Transaction

Please note: if revisions are needed for a Transact Campus item code, please use the Marketplace All in One Form to request an update in addition to submitting the Journal Entry Request.