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Important Notes:

Submit a data change to change one or more of the following on an employee’s assignment (job):

  • Business title

  • Job end date

  • Working months

  • Working hours.

  • The Data Change action is also used to reclassify, transfer (with or without pay) or demote an employee.

  • If you are submitting a data change + salary change, You must receive prior approval from HR Comp and Class for the salary change for all employees, excluding students. Compensation and Classification form to request approval.

Data changes must have an effective date of the beginning of a pay period (Sunday). If a data change is submitted with a mid pay period effective date, it will be rejected by HR. The final approval for the submitted action must be completed by the Thursday before payday in order for HR to process the request by the effective date.

  • The exception to the pay period start date requirement: If the action effective date is the same as the hire date, because the hire date does NOT have to occur at the start of a pay period, the request will be approved. In the Comment section, please include the message: “Effective Date is not the start of a pay period, however, it is the Start Date of the position.”

Submitted data changes cannot be edited. If a data change is submitted incorrectly, and is still routing through the approval workflow, it must be withdrawn and another must be created and submitted.

Step 1: Login and Start and Locate the Employee

  1. Begin by signing in to Bronco Hub.

  2. Locate the employee.

In Bronco Hub, employees can be located one of two ways:

  1. Employee is your direct report: select My Team from the top navigation section of Bronco Hub and then select My Team. Direct reports will populate. Select Actions to the right of the employee name and select Data Change from the drop-down list.

  2. Employee is not your direct report: select My Organization from the top navigation section of Bronco Hub and then select Show More located at the bottom of the left hand Quick Actions list. Select Data Change located below the Employment section (if needed, use CTRL+F to search for the option). After selecting Data Change, use the search bar to search for the employee. Search by Employee name (last name first), Employee Email or Employee ID. Select the appropriate employee name from the drop-down.

Step 2: Select Info to Manage

If the employee has direct reports, an option to Reassign Existing Reports will display.

  • If you would like to reassign direct reports as part of the data change, select the checkbox to reassign. Otherwise, leave the reassign checkbox blank.

  1. If you are assigning the employee direct reports while completing the data change, select the checkbox titled Add Direct Reports. Otherwise, leave the add direct reports checkbox blank.

  2. Select Continue.

Step 3: Enter Change Information in the When and Why section

In the When and Why section, enter the following details:

  1. When does the transfer start? Enter the date the change should go in effect.

The term “transfer” is a system term and does not mean you are submitting a transfer.

If you are submitting a data change to extend a student or temporary non benefit eligible employee end date, select the effective date for the nearest payroll start date.

Unless noted in the exception, if a data change is submitted with any effective date that is not the beginning of a pay period (Sunday), the request will be rejected by HR.

  • The exception to the pay period start date requirement: If the action effective date is the same as the hire date, because the hire date does NOT have to occur at the start of a pay period, the request will be approved. In these instances, please include the following note in the Comment section “Effective Date is not the start of a pay period, however, it is the Start Date of the position.”

  1. What’s the way to transfer? Select the applicable data change action type from the drop-down list. Options available are Data Change, Demotion, Re-class, Transfer with Pay, or Transfer without Pay.

  2. Select Data Change to change a business title, extend an end date, change months, shift change or change working hours. DO NOT select Reorganization.

  3. Why are you transferring? Select the main action (main reason for the data change) from the “Why are you transferring” drop-down field.

If you selected add or reassign direct reports on the previous section of the request, the question Why are you making changes to direct reports will display. Select Manager Change.

This option won’t display if you did not select the reassign direct reports checkbox.

  1. Select Continue.

Step 4: Update Appropriate Data Change Details

In the Data Change section, update the applicable information.

You are not required to update all fields. For example, if you are only updating the Business Title for the data change, only update the Business Title field and leave the remaining fields as is.

Notes about each field are outlined below:

  • Person Type. Select if their person type for the assignment is Faculty, Staff, or Student.

  • Business Unit: is always IDBSU.

  • Projected End Date: If submitting the data change to extend an end date, enter the new end date in this field. This field is only applicable to non-benefit eligible employees and the end date may only be up to one year from the start date.

If you are extending an end date for a student or temporary non benefit eligible employee, the following conditions must be met:

  • The effective date must be set as the nearest Payroll Start Date. Visit the latest version of the Payroll Schedule linked on the Payroll and Holiday Calendars webpage to find payroll start dates.

  • The effective date must occur prior to the current assignment end date or the extended end date will not take effect.

  • The data change must be fully approved prior to the effective date in order to take effect.

  • Job: Begin typing the job name for the position. Then select it from the drop-down list.

  • Business Title: Input the business title for the assignment.

  • Department: Type the5 digit HR Department ID and select the appropriate department from the drop down. If needed, reference the “Bronco Hub and Perceptive HR Actions” tab of the Standard Approval Workflow Matrix for a list of department IDs. Department IDs are listed in column A.

  • Location: Input the department location or the mail stop number and select it from the drop-down list. This field will populate with the applicable location name. Visit Mail Stop Codes by number for a list of current departments and the related mail stop.

  • Assignment Category: Select whether this assignment is full-time regular, full-time temporary, part-time regular, or part-time temporary. The university considers 40 hours / week to be full time; anything less is considered part time.

  • Hourly Paid or Salaried: Select whether this assignment is hourly or salaried.

  • Working Hours: Input the working hours per week for this assignment.

  • Payroll Group: This field identifies if the individual is paid from irregular or regular funds. Select the applicable Payroll Group code from the drop-down.

  • People Group: Select the applicable employment type by selecting the blue search box. This field identifies if the individual is Faculty, Professional, Classified, Student, or Temporary and if they are paid from irregular or regular funds. Select the blue magnifying glass icon to update this field. Use this resource to verify the applicable people group (column G) to enter.

    • If you select People Group as Faculty, Professional, or Classified, and they are working 12 months, leave Segment 2 (under 12 months) blank.

    • If you select People Group as Faculty, Professional, or Classified and they are working less than 12 months AND the employee will be paid out over the span of 12 months, select the applicable working months from the drop-down. Options are 9 months, 10 months and 11 months. If the employee is working less than 12 months and will be paid for the duration of their appointment (e.g. 3 month appointment to be paid out over the 3 months) leave Segment 2 (under 12 months) blank

    • If you select People Group as Temporary or Student, always leave Segment 2 (under 12 months) blank.

    • Make the appropriate selection for People Group and select Ok.

  • After updating applicable fields for the data change, select Continue.

Step 5: Costing / Funding Details (do not use these fields)

To update an employee’s costing, submit an Employee Costing Change as outlined in this job aid.

If needed, departments can choose to use the demotion costing fields for internal communication purposes but the details will not be used when HR is processing the request.

Step 6: Update Manager Information (optional)

Confirm the accuracy of the line manager listed.

  1. If you are not making any changes to the existing line manager select Continue.

  2. If you are making changes to an employee's existing line manager, select the Edit (pencil) icon.

  3. Add a new line manager by searching for an active employee. Search by Employee name (last name first), Employee Email or Employee ID. Select the appropriate employee name from the drop-down.

    1. After selecting the new employee line manager, select Ok

  4. Select Continue.

Step 7: Enter Salary Information (optional)

You must receive approval from HR Comp and Class prior to submitting a salary change for all employees, excluding students.

Submit a Compensation and Classification Form to request approval.

If you aren’t updating the employee salary, skip this step.

  1. If you are updating the employee’s salary, enter the following information:

    1. Hourly Rate: Enter the hourly rate of the employee. The adjustment amount and percentage will automatically update according to the hourly rate entered.

  2. Select Continue to open the next section of the form.

Step 8: Reassign Existing Reports (optional)

If you selected the Reassign Existing Reports tile in the “When and Why” section, you will have an option to reassign any existing reports.

  1. Select the Select All box to reassign all existing direct reports to a new line manager.

  2. If you are only reassigning some direct reports, select the box next to the individual or individuals you want to reassign.

  3. Search for proposed manager field, begin typing the first and last name of the new line manager and select their name from the drop-down list.

  4. Select Continue to open the next section of the form.

Step 9: Add New Direct Reports Information (optional)

If you selected the Add Direct Reports tile, tile in the “When and Why” section, you will have the option to add direct reports.

  1. Add a direct report by searching for their name (last name first).

  2. Select the individual from the drop-down list.

  3. Add as many reports as needed.

  4. Select Continue to open the next section of the form.

Step 10: Add Comments and Attachments

  1. In the Comments and Attachments section, add any applicable comments and attachments.

You must receive approval from HR Comp and Class prior to submitting a salary change for all employees, excluding students.

Attach the approved Compensation and Classification Form.

Check with your department’s business manager for any required department specific comments or attachments.

  1. Select Continue.

Step 11: Confirm Accuracy of Data Change Entry Details and Submit Request

  1. Select the Edit icon located on the right each section to expand the section and view details.

  2. After reviewing and verifying any data change updates, select Submit in the upper right corner.

What’s next:

Submitted data changes cannot be edited. If a data change is submitted incorrectly, you will need to withdraw and resubmit a new one.

What options are there to follow up on the action after it’s submitted?

The action initiator (submitter) can follow up on (e.g. view approval information) the submitted action by locating it in the initiated tasks section of the Worklist.

Once submitted the data change request will route to the following:

  1. The line manager (supervisor) of the employee being transacted upon.

  2. The funding source manager(s) for the employee assignment home department/HR Department. Example, employee has a job in Athletics, the home department of the employee assignment is 97400

  3. Graduate College if the transaction includes job codes: 49120, 49110, 49111, 49181, 49180

  4. Human Resources

  5. College / Division is the last approval

  6. Provost if the person being transacted upon is faculty

If other individuals need to be included in the approval workflow (e.g. Principal Investigator for grant funded transactions) the funding source manager must add the approvers as an AdHoc action.

Important Note: If the employee being transacted upon is not a faculty member, the name of the initiator will display as the last approver in the approval workflow. The initiator does not need to approve the transaction, Bronco Hub will automatically approve after all other approvals have been completed.

End of Process

Need help with the steps above?

If you have additional questions about the process, please submit an HR Service Request form.

If you experience a system issue/error OR have suggestions to improve the instructions in this job aid, please submit an OCI Service Request ticket.

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