Important Notes:
There are two Smartsheet approval methods:
Approval via email
Approval via Smartsheet home page
Approve Smartsheet via Email
If a smartsheet is submitted and requires you to take action, you will receive an email from that includes an email subject line of "Approval request for [transaction type]."
Open the email and select View Request, which will take to you Smartsheet to approve or decline.
After selecting View Request, you will see the options to approve or decline
Approve via Smartsheet
Step 1: Log in to Smartsheet
Select the button to Sign in with your company account. You do not need to create a separate account.
Step 2: Select the form needing review
In the notifications window, a repository of previously approved forms and any new forms pending your approval will populate.
To approve a pending action, select the notification bell icon in the upper left corner.
Select a form pending your approval
Step 3: Review Request and Approve or Decline
The selected request details will populate in the right hand navigation panel from the bell icon (second one down). Before taking action, review any attachments provided by selecting the attachment hyperlink located below the attachments section.
After reviewing the request details, and any attachments, you can either Decline or Approve the request.
If declining the request, it’s best practice to include comments about why you’re declining.
You can view comments left by other users on the same request by selecting the dropdown arrow under the comment box.
If needed, check the box for “Send me a copy of my responses” to get an email with the action you’ve taken.
What’s Next:
A thumbs up icon and “Approved” will display below the request information, which indicates that you have already approved the request, and hovering over the thumb will allow you to see when you approved it.
If there is not a thumbs up icon and “Approved” below the request, the request is still pending your approval. Select Approve on the request.
End of Process
Need help with the steps above?
If you need assistance with the process outlined above, contact the Help Desk at (208) 426-4357,