Use this tool to ensure there is budget available for planned transactions and keep the PI up-to-date on remaining funds available.
The report face shows the Award number and name, the proposal number, the Project number and name, the PI, the Project start and end dates, the fund code, the cost center, and budget, actual expenditures, commitments, amount remaining and budget percent remaining by budget category.
Use the filters at the top of the page to choose what information you want to view. You can view by Project, by Department, by PI etc to narrow down the result to the level in which you desire to review.
Keep in mind the Commitment column only includes items encumbered in the financial system – travel authorizations, purchase orders, and pending invoices. Payroll commitments are not included.
When viewing the BvA, you can click on the hyperlinks in the report for detail. For example if you want to see what transactions are included in Other Expenses, Commitment, just click on the figure listed in that column and you will be directed to a new page with spending detail.
When reviewing the BvA pay special attention to the burn rate, overspending in a category or project overall, project information that doesn’t match your records.