Budget Details - Campus Transaction Dashboard: view budget transfer details including journal line, line descriptions, posting, and a created by for budget transfers that have been submitted and posted to the general ledger.
Budget Transfers - Campus Transaction Dashboard: view budget transfers that have been submitted and posted to the general ledger.
Deposits - Campus Transaction Dashboard: view deposits that have been submitted and posted to the general ledger.
Expense Reports - Campus Transaction Dashboard: view expense reports, identify status from saved to withdrawn or paid, and additional transaction details
Journal Entries - Campus Transaction Dashboard: view journal entries, payroll corrections, and interdepartmental charges that have been submitted and posted to the general ledger.
Payables - Campus Transaction Dashboard: view invoiced transactions, identify payment status and transaction details.
Payment - Campus Transaction Dashboard: verify that a payment has been created and can be used to identify the associated payment number.
Purchase Orders - Campus Transaction Dashboard: view purchase orders, identify status from pending to closed or cancelled, and additional transaction details.
Requisitions Lifecycle - Campus Transaction Dashboard: view requisition, purchase order, and invoices to track encumbrance and expense through the lifecycle of a requisition.
Requisitions - Campus Transaction Dashboard: view requisitions, identify status from saved to withdrawn or paid, and additional transaction details.