Active Employee Details Report: provides an overview of employee information like pay type, standard weekly hours, job code, benefit status and more.
Employee Minimal Detail Report: provides basic information about employee assignments.
Back Office Daily Actions Report: provides information about completed HR Manager Self Service actions.
Classified Probation Dates Report: provides information about classified employee probation dates.
Employee Employment Actions: provides information about completed employment actions.
Expected Employment End Date Report: provides information about upcoming end dates for temporary employees.
Employee Employment Status: provides information about employee status (active v inactive).
Employee Separation Report: provides information about Benefit eligible and Adjuncts employees who separated one day prior.
Faculty Detail Report: provides an overview to managers/business managers of faculty specific information (tenure, academic ranks, etc.)
Instructor Schedule Results: provides an overview of instructor schedules and credits being taught.
New Hires: provides business managers with a list of new hires based on their assignment effective start date, including future dated hires.