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Important Notes:
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Tips for success:
Access TA application and create a request
Login to the Travel Authorization application.
Select the Create button.
If you are creating the same, or similar, TAs for more than one employee, you can duplicate a prior TA by selecting the Clone (copy) button located next to the TA you want to duplicate.
Enter traveler details
Enter all required fields for the Traveler Information.
Traveler's First and Last Name
Traveler’s Department
Traveler’s Cell Phone Number & Email
Travel Location: All foreign travel for Official University Business must be reported to the Risk Management Insurance Office.
Emergency Contact Name, Phone Number and Relationship to Traveler
Search Term Keywords: Use this optional field to add searchable terms.
Business Purpose: Enter a detailed description for the travel request.
Add additional details
Answer the questions in the Additional Information section
Select Yes or No to the question “Are you Traveling with other Employees?”. If Yes, search for the name of other employees that will be traveling together.
Select Yes or No to the question “Are you Traveling with other Students?”. If Yes, search for the name of students that will be traveling together.
Select Yes or No to the question “Is it Foreign Travel?”.
Select Yes or No to the question, “Was Risk Management Informed?”
Enter trip information details
Enter all required fields for the Traveler Information.
Enter dates of the entire trip in the Travel Begin Date/End Date fields
Select Yes or No for Personal Travel. If you select “yes” you must enter the number of days for business travel and upload a copy of the Business Itinerary.
If travel expenses will be paid in full or part by the University, select University for the question, “Who Will Pay Travel Costs?”. Select Third Party if a third party is responsible in whole for the employee travel cost.
Add Expense Details
To add funding details to items, select the Add Expense button.
Select the most applicable Expense Type from the dropdown menu. You may choose to itemize expenses or add expenses as a total sum by selecting the appropriate expense type or Total Travel Expense.
Enter the amount paid on P-Card in the Prepaid by University field.
Enter the amount the employee will need to be reimbursed for any out of pocket costs in the Estimated Employee Reimbursement field.
Enter the funding source by entering segments in the Fund, Department, Cost Center, Supplemental, and Project fields.
After entering the required information, select Save Expense.
Review Expense Items
View the expense item summary with funding sources and amounts.
Total Prepaid Amount: Includes p-card and direct vendor payment expense items.
Total Estimated Reimbursement Amount: Includes expense items to be reimbursed to the employee.
Add Additional Attachments (as needed)
To Upload optional documentation, select Add Files. Attach files as needed
Add Approvers
Use the Search Directory field to add Travel Authorization approvers. Select up to five approvers as defined by the departmental business process. Best practice when creating a Travel Authorization for someone else, add the traveler as the first approver.
Delete approvers by selecting the blue icon next to the approver’s name.
Save and Submit the Request
Select Save and Submit to route the Travel Authorization to the first approver.
End of Process
What’s next?
Approvers will receive a notification regarding the Travel Authorization request. Approvers can either Approveapprove, Denydeny, or Send send the Travel Authorization back for revisions.
After the travel takes place, any related reimbursable items must be submitted via Expense Report. Expense Reports must be submitted and approved within 60 days of the last date of travel OR 60 days from the date of item purchase for non-travel expenses. Items over 60 days from trip end or purchase date are taxable. Items over 120 days are not reimbursable.
If you need assistance with the process outlined above, email
If you need support with the TA application submit a Help Desk Self-Service ticket.
Related resources: