Info |
Important Notes:
Note |
Do you have an employee with a job ending mid pay periodsoon?
Step 1: Log in to Bronco Hub and Access the Time
Section of Quick Actions
Begin by signing in to Bronco Hub.
Select My Organization from the navigation ribbon.Select Time Management.
Navigate to the left Quick Actions menu and select Show More at the bottom of the list.
Navigate to the Time section and select an option based on the criteria outlined in the next step.
Step 2:
Select the Appropriate Timecard Option
There are three options to consider when submitting a timecard for another employee:
Select Team Time Cards
Select Team Time Cards on the left side of the page.
Step 3: Create a new Time Card
Select the Create ( + ) located below the Search Results header.
Tip |
If needed, use the search options to view time cards in different statuses like pending or incomplete. |
Type the last name of the employee you are creating the time card for and select the employee from the list that populates.
Tip |
If the name of the employee does not display, select the drop down arrow to the right of the name search field and select More to use advanced search. If you still can’t locate the employee and need assistance, submit a ticket to Payroll using the HR ServiceNow request form. |
After locating the employee, select a date that falls within the time card pay period. Only one date needs to be selected. Select OK.
Step 4: Enter Time Card Details
Select Add Current Time Card card to create a timecard for the current pay period on behalf of another employee.
Select Add Other Time Card card to create a timecard for a prior pay period on behalf of another employee.
Note |
New pay periods start every other Sunday. Visit the Payroll Due Dates & Pay Dates to confirm whether you’re entering time for a current or prior pay period. |
Submit an Existing Timecard for Another Employee
Select Team Time Cards.
A list of existing timecards will populate for your direct reports
Search for an employee who is not a direct report by entering their name or employee ID in the search bar.
View the desired timecard by selecting linked Period Start Date. If you do not see the pay period you desire, change the filter at the top to include the correct pay period.
View the timecard you selected and make any necessary entries to the timecard.
Select Actions, and then select Submit from the drop-down menu.
Tip |
Submit an existing timecard without viewing it. Instead of opening the timecard, select the checkbox for the timecard you want to submit. Select Actions and then select Submit from the drop-down menu. |
End of process for Submitting a Time Card for Another Employee via Team Time Cards
Anchor | ||||
Select Add Current Time Card.
Type the last name or the Employee ID number of the employee for whom you are creating the timecard.
Select the name.
The current timecard will populate.
Enter the Assignment Number by double clicking on the field and selecting the assignment number from the drop-down menu.
Tip |
If the employee has multiple assignments, confirm accuracy by ensuring the business title and department name located on the right of the |
timecard match the assignment you’re entering time for. |
Note |
The Assignment Number must be entered for each row in which timecard details are entered. |
Enter Time Reporting Code (e.g. Hours Worked, Sick, Vacation.). To view Time and Absence Reporting Codes, select this link
The Cost Center, Supplemental, Department, Fund and Project are costing fields and will be blank unless funding information was entered manually by the employee. Normally, these fields are blank and if the time card is processed the payroll will be allocated to the fund segments entered. If you wouldn’t expect the employee to override these segments, delete them from the time card.
Enter the number of hours under the appropriate dates for the time reporting code selected.
Confirm you are entering hours in the row with the correct Time Reporting Code.
If needed, you can add another time reporting in the next row by right-clicking on the row and selecting to insert a row either above or below the existing row.
Note |
Always confirm you are entering hours on the correct line (row). |
Warning |
DO NOT ENTER anything in the Cost Center, Fund, Department, Supplemental and Project fields unless explicitly told to do so by your supervisor.If your supervisor tells you to enter specific fund, department, cost center or project segments, follow these instructions below:
Tip |
If any columns are not visible, you may reduce the width of the columns, making room for more columns to be visible. Select the virticle line separating the columns and move either left or right. |
Note |
Work-study students can only work 20 hours per week using work-study awards and should never override costing on their timecard. If the student works more than 20 hours per week, hire them into two positions; one position that is work study funded and another that is non work-study funded. |
Once you have entered time details into the the timecard for another employee, you may select Save and Close (to submit at a later time), or select Submit to notify the supervisor to approve the timecard.
End of process to create and submit a timecard for another employee
Anchor | ||||
Select Add Current Time Card.
Type the last name or the Employee ID number of the employee for whom you are creating the timecard.
Select the name.
The current timecard will populate.
Enter the Assignment Number by double clicking on the field and selecting the assignment number from the drop-down menu.
Tip |
If the employee has multiple assignments, confirm accuracy by ensuring the business title and department name located on the right of the timecard match the assignment you’re entering time for. |
Note |
The Assignment Number must be entered for each row in which timecard details are entered. |
Enter Time Reporting Code (e.g. Hours Worked, Sick, Vacation.). To view Time and Absence Reporting Codes, select this link
Enter the number of hours under the appropriate dates for the time reporting code selected.
Confirm you are entering hours in the row with the correct Time Reporting Code.
If needed, you can add another time reporting in the next row
To update hours on the existing time card, scroll to the Days section of the time card and update as needed.
by right-clicking on the row and selecting to insert a row either above or below the existing row.
Note |
Always confirm you are entering hours on the correct line . In the example above, line one of the time card is Vacation while line 2 is Hours Worked. |
Step 5: Access Days Matrix & Enter Hours
Access the Days matrix and enter hours for each day.
Note: Time is entered in decimals. For example, to enter 8 and a half hours, enter 8.5
Pro Tip: To enter more than one assignment or TRC, select the Add Row Below button.
Optional Step: Add a New Row for Additional Time Reporting
If another row needs to be added to the time card for an additional reporting code, select + Add Row Below.
Select the appropriate Assignment Number from the drop down field. If an employee has multiple assignments, verify selection accuracy by reviewing the related Business Title and Department Name that populates after selecting the assignment.
Select the Time Reporting Code dropdown and select the appropriate Time Reporting Code (eg Hours Worked, Sick, Vacation).
Info |
If the desired Time Reporting Code is not displayed, select on the Search option to see all values. |
Step 11: Review and Save or Submit Time Card
To save the time card and submit at a later date, select Save and Close in the upper right hand corner.
To submit the timecard to Payroll, select Next.
The Timecard Review screen will be displayed. If there are no errors, select Submit.
Step 12: Approve Timecard
To approve the timecard, highlight the appropriate timecard row that has a Submitted status, and select Approve.
Confirm the time card status now displays Approved rather than Submitted.
What’s next:
The employee will not receive a notification however, they can view their Existing Timecards via Time and Absence to see the approved timecard.
(row). |
Warning |
DO NOT ENTER anything in the Cost Center, Fund, Department, Supplemental and Project fields unless explicitly told to do so by your supervisor.If your supervisor tells you to enter specific fund, department, cost center or project segments, follow these instructions below:
Note |
Work-study students can only work 20 hours per week using work-study awards and should never override costing on their timecard. If the student works more than 20 hours per week, hire them into two positions; one position that is work study funded and another that is non work-study funded. |
Once you have entered time details into the the timecard for another employee, you may select Save and Close (to submit at a later time), or select Submit to notify the supervisor to approve the timecard.
End of process to create and submit a timecard for another employee
Create and Submit a Timecard for Another Employee for the Prior Pay Period
Select Add Other Time Card
Type the last name or the Employee ID number of the employee for whom you are creating the timecard.
Select a date that falls within the timecard pay period. Only one date needs to be selected.
Select Add.
Enter the Assignment Number by double clicking on the field and selecting the assignment number from the drop-down menu.
Tip |
If the employee has multiple assignments, confirm accuracy by ensuring the business title and department name located on the right of the timecard match the assignment you’re entering time for. |
Note |
The Assignment Number must be entered for each row in which timecard details are entered. |
Enter Time Reporting Code (e.g. Hours Worked, Sick, Vacation.). To view Time and Absence Reporting Codes, select this link
Enter the number of hours under the appropriate dates for the time reporting code selected.
Confirm you are entering hours in the row with the correct Time Reporting Code.
If needed, you can add another time reporting in the next row by right-clicking on the row and selecting to insert a row either above or below the existing row.
Note |
Always confirm you are entering hours on the correct line (row). |
Warning |
DO NOT ENTER anything in the Cost Center, Fund, Department, Supplemental and Project fields unless explicitly told to do so by your supervisor.If your supervisor tells you to enter specific fund, department, cost center or project segments, follow these instructions below:
Note |
Work-study students can only work 20 hours per week using work-study awards and should never override costing on their timecard. If the student works more than 20 hours per week, hire them into two positions; one position that is work study funded and another that is non work-study funded. |
Once you have entered time details into the the timecard for another employee, you may select Save and Close (to submit at a later time), or select Submit to notify the supervisor to approve the timecard.
End of process to Create and Submit a Timecard for Another Employee for the Prior Pay Period
Approve Timecard
To approve the submitted timecard, access
Select My Organization from the navigation ribbon.
Select Show More beneath Quick Actions.
Scroll to the Time section.
Team Time Card.
Easily approve by selecting the checkbox next to the employee’s name.
Select Actions and then select Approve.
Alternatively, the submitted timecard will be routed to the approver and can be approved via email and notifications in Bronco Hub.
What’s next?
Note |
Employees are paid two weeks after the pay period ends. |
Need help with the steps above?
If you have additional questions about the process, please submit an HR Service Request form.
If you experience a system issue/error OR have suggestions to improve the instructions in this job aid, please submit an OCI Service Request ticket.