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This resource outlines the steps to submit, view or edit a Purchase Requisition.

  • A Purchase Requisition is a request to purchase goods and/or services from an external supplier; Purchase Requisitions can include software renewal and service contract renewals.

  • Whenever possible, make purchases using a P-Card or Jaggaer Punchout Catalogs for purchases.

Jump to steps to view, withdraw or edit a previously submitted Purchase Requisition.

If making payments against a BPA for Independent Contractor services, follow the instructions in the Submitting Independent Contractor Requisitions job aid.

Step 1: Log in to Bronco Hub and Access Purchase Requisitions

  1. Begin by signing in toBronco Hub.

  2. Select My Organization from the top navigation section of Bronco Hub and then select Purchase Requisitions.

Step 2: Enter Requisition Line Details

  1. Select More Tasks and select Enter Requisition Line located at the top of the Requisition module.


  1. From the Line Type drop-down, select either Goods (tangible items) or Services (non-tangible).


For Goods, the following fields are required:

  • Item Description: Enter detailed information about item being purchased

  • Category Name: Type in ALL ITEMS

  • Quantity: Enter the quantity of items being purchased

  • UOM (Unit of Measure): Type in EA (for each)

  • Price: Enter the Price per item (if purchasing more than one, Bronco Hub will calculate the total cost using Quantity field entered above)


For Services, the following fields are required:

  • Item Description: Enter detailed information about service being purchased

  • Category Name: Type in ALL ITEMS

  • Amount: Enter total charge for service


Step 3: Add Supplier (if applicable)

If known, enter the name of the Supplier in the Supplier field.



To ensure timely payments, all vendors/suppliers should have an active account in PaymentWorks.

Step 4: Update Requisition Requester & Delivery Date (if needed)

The Requester will default to the end-user currently logged into Bronco Hub OR the individual setup in Requisitions Preferences.


Update the Requested Delivery Date as needed.


Step 5: Add Project Funding - POET - Information (skip if not applicable)

If the goods/services will paid for using sponsored project funding, enter the following segment details in the Billing section of the line item:

  • Project Number: Enter the 10 digit Projectsegment.

  • Task Number: Enter 100001 for all services and non-asset goods and 100002 for taggable asset goods.

  • Expenditure Type: Enter the 6 digit account segment.

  • Expenditure Organization: Enter the 5 digit department segment.


Step 6: Add Requisition Line Funding Segment String

Enter the funding string details in the Charge Account field of the Billing section of the line item.



In the Charge Account field, if the Project segment (7th segment) is anything other than “0000000000” in the Charge Account field must include POET data or the transaction will be automatically rejected upon submission.

ProTip! Use the All Segment Values Report to confirm whether or not the Fund is Project based.

Step 7: Add Note to Buyer (if needed)

Include a Note to Buyer to communicate information to Purchasing, such as Special Handling Instructions.

Step 8: Add Requisition Line to Cart

After completing the steps above, select Add to Cart in the upper right corner.


Please Note: If a specific supplier is added to the Requisition (Step 7), all items on the Requisition must be purchased from that supplier.

Step 9: Review Cart

Once all Requisition Lines have been added, select the shopping cart icon located at the top of the screen.

Select Review.

Step 10: Enter Justification, Add Attachments and Submit

In the Justification field, enter the business reason supporting the procurement request.


  • Select Save and Close to save the Purchase Requisition and submit at a later time.

  • Select Submit to submit the Purchase Requisition into the Standard Approval Workflow.

What’s next:

  1. Once submitted, the Requisition will route to the approvers in the approval workflow.


  1. You can follow-up on approvals, by running the Transaction Approval Dashboard.

  2. After all department approvals are complete, Purchasing will review the Purchase Requisition and assign a Buyer to complete your purchase.

  3. Once the items are received and the invoice is ready for payment, submit the payment request via the Purchase Order Payment Approval(Ok to Pay) Smartsheet.

End of Process


View, Withdraw or Edit a Purchase Requisition


Only Requisitions that are Pending Approval may be withdrawn and edited.

Step 1: Log in to Bronco Hub and Access Purchase Requisitions

  1. Begin by signing in to Bronco Hub.

  2. Select My Organization from the top navigation section of Bronco Hub and then select Purchase Requisitions.

Step 2: Search for Requisition

  1. Select Manage Requisitions located at the top right of the Purchase Requisition module.


Select the hyperlink of the requisition number to view details.

Step 3: Withdraw and Edit as needed

If the Requisition hasn’t been fully approved, you will have an option to withdraw it by selecting Withdraw and Edit located in the Actions dropdown in the top right-hand corner.


To update the Requisition Lines, including Category Name, Supplier, Quantity and Funding Segment String OR to Duplicate or Delete a Requisition Line, click on the Requisition Line and click Actions and select the appropriate action.


Step 4: Submit Edited Requisition or Leave in Withdrawn Status

If you made edits to the Requisition and need to resubmit it for approval routing, select Submit in the upper right corner. If you do not submit the request, it will remain in a withdrawn status.

What’s next:

  1. Once submitted, the Requisition will route to the approvers in the approval workflow.


  1. You can follow-up on approvals, by running the Transaction Approval Dashboard.

  2. After all department approvals are complete, Purchasing will review the Purchase Requisition and assign a Buyer to complete your purchase.

  3. Once the items are received and the invoice is ready for payment, submit the payment request via the Purchase Order Payment Approval(Ok to Pay) Smartsheet.

End of Process


Need help with the steps above?

If you need assistance with the process outlined above, email

If you need support with Bronco Hub or have suggestions to improve the instructions in this job aid, please submit an OCI Service Request ticket.