Info |
The Bronco Hub approval workflow is the automated routing of submitted budget transfers, financial transactions, and HR actions to predetermined department approvers and processors. View department approvers: |
Human Resource Action Approval Routing
Financial Transaction Approval Routing
Approval Workflow FAQs
Q: How can I permanently change designated approvers listed in the approval workflow matrix?
A: Submit the Bronco Hub Approval Workflow Maintenance form to make permanent changes to department approvers.
Q: What is meant by approval delegation?
A: Approval delegation involves temporary changes to approvers and approval workflow routing.
Designated department approvers or supervisors can choose to delegate their approval authority to another employee as needed. It is best practice to set up delegations when out of office or unable to approve transactions for an extended period of time. Link to delegation job aid.
Who can create or update approval delegation rules?
Designated department approvers or supervisors can choose to delegate their approval authority to another employee as needed. It is best practice to set up delegations when out of office or unable to approve transactions for an extended period of time. Link to delegation job aid.
Q: How can I permanently change designated approvers listed in the approval workflow matrix?
A: Submit the Bronco Hub Approval Workflow Maintenance form to make permanent changes to department approversDelegation rules (adding or removing approval delegates) must be completed by the employee that needs to delegate approval authority.
🛑 The Office of Continuous Improvement (OCI) cannot add, edit or remove approval delegations.
A: Delegation rules (adding or removing approval delegates) must be completed by the employee that needs to delegate approval authority.
🛑 The Office of Continuous Improvement (OCI) cannot add, edit or remove approval delegations.Q: I submitted something in Bronco Hub and I’m waiting for it to be approved. How can I see where an action is in the approval workflow?
A: The HR Transaction Console: The Transaction Console is used to investigate the approval status of submitted HR Actions. Transaction details do not display in the console; for example, you can use the transaction console to confirm a new hire transaction was submitted, but you will not be able to see the new hire's details like pay rate, start date, etc.
The Financial Transaction Approval Dashboard: The Financial Transaction Approval Dashboard is used to identify submitted financial transaction approvers and transaction approval status