Term | Term Description |
Account Code | Fourth segment in the Funding Segment String. Six digit code that specifies revenue, expense, fund balance, asset, liability or surplus. For more information, visit the Funding Segment String Overview. |
Account Rollup | A method of combining accounts for reporting purposes to compare account actuals, budgets and variances. |
Accounting Date | The date financial activity is recorded in the general ledger. |
Ad hoc Approver | An additional approver assigned to review a transaction by another reviewer in the approval workflow as defined by departmental business process. |
Actuals | Reflects revenue generated and expense paid. Does not include budget or encumbrances. |
Appropriated Budget | The allocation(s) of appropriated funding in a fiscal year (July 1 – June 30). |
Appropriated Funds | Funding allocated by the state. State funding appropriated for a specific purpose. |
Approval Workflow | Financial transactions submitted in Bronco Hub will route through an approval workflow made of up individuals within the department. For more information, visit the Approval Workflow for Financial Transactions. |
Approval Delegation | Approvers can delegate the approval task for a single transaction on a case by case basis OR for all financial transactions for a designated period of time. |
Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA) | The mechanism used in Bronco Hub to track Independent Contractor contracts and payments and issued by Accounts Payable. |
Bronco Hub | The web platform used to enter, review and approve transactions including Expense Reports, Invoice Payments and Purchase Requisitions. |
Budget Deficit | The amount by which actual expenditures within an appropriated funding source/budget roll-up account (e.g. Regular Salary or Other Expenses) exceed the appropriated budget. |
Calendar Year | January 1 – December 31 |
Commitment | Refers to the encumbrance type for approved requisitions. |
Debits/Credits | Activity that impacts fund balance or spending authority. For Budget Debits increase spending authority; Credits decrease spending authority. For Actuals Debits decrease fund balance; Credits increase fund balance. |
Delegate | An employee to whom another employee grants the ability to (1) enter expenses and/or (2) approve transactions on his/her behalf. |
Duty of Care | Employers have a duty of care obligation for the health, safety, security and well-being of their employees as they fulfill their work obligations. |
Encumbrance | A budget tool used to hold funds for a purchase until it is received and payment is initiated. |
Enterer | The employee that enters a transaction in Bronco Hub to include Expense Reports and Purchase Requisitions. |
Expenditure Item Date | The date the project-related expense occurred. |
Expenditure | An expense. |
Fiscal year | A period used for accounting purposes and preparing financial statements. University fiscal year is July 1 – June 30. |
Fund Balance | Represents a non-appropriated department ID’s available fund. Fund balance is like the cash balance associated with a bank account. |
Funding Segment String | A string of 56 characters used to code financial transactions. For more information, visit the Funding Segment String Overview. |
Funding Source Person | An approver assigned to review a transaction according to the department segment used for billing and defined by campus. |
Graduate Assistantships | May include student account payments made by departments sponsoring the assistantships. |
Grants/ Sponsored Projects | Source of funding that has specific terms and conditions associated with it. |
General Ledger | The official financial record used to create the University’s financial statements. |
Expense Report | A financial process completed in Bronco Hub to reimburse employees for business-related expenses. For more information, visit the Expense Reports Training Portal page. |
Expense Report Delegation | Expense delegates have the ability to enter an Expense Report on your behalf. For more information, visit Delegating Expense Report Submissions. |
Independent Contractor | A non-Boise State employee providing technical or unique services for the University; an individual with a particular set of skills to perform a specific task. For more information, visit the Independent Contractors Training Portal page. |
Invoice | A document including the character, quantity, price, terms, nature of delivery and other particulars of goods delivered or of services rendered. |
Invoice Date | The date of invoice as provided by the vendor, or actual date of service (or an approximation if no exact value is given). |
Internal Payment | Payment for goods and/or service(s) that take place between Boise State departments. For more information, visit the Internal Payments Training Portal page. |
Invoice Payment | A financial process completed in Bronco Hub to make payments to suppliers (for purchases not involving P-Card or Purchase Orders), to pay for ongoing memberships/subscriptions, to make payments to non-employees and pay for honorariums. For more details, visit the Invoice Payments Training Portal page. |
Journal Entry | Post a transaction, or adjust or correct a previous entry. Will appear on Dept Detail Report with Source Code of ONL. |
Lifecycle | The history of transactions tied to a specific requisition. The Lifecycle activity includes the requisition, purchase order, receiving and invoicing. |
Liquidated | The status of a project funded purchase order after it has been paid. |
Local Budget | An estimate of revenue and expenses for the fiscal year (July 1 – June 30). |
Local Deficit | Negative fund balance. |
Local Funds | Funding source is locally generated department revenue. Funds generated through revenue sources such as sales, services, user charges or class fees. |
NSF (non-sufficient funds) checks | Checks that are returned to Boise State due to lack of funds in account. Process is two-fold. Student Financials is involved in collecting on student accounts. The Controller’s Office is involved in the process when department accounts must be debited for NSF checks. |
Non-Asset Goods | Any item with a unit cost of less than $2,000 is not an asset. Any item that has a unit cost of more than $2,000 but a useful life of less than a year is not an asset. |
No Cost Travel | Travel paid for by the employee by a third party. The university assumes no responsibility for costs associated with travel. |
Obligation | Refers to the encumbrance type for approved purchase orders. |
Operations | The operating ledger that captures revenue and expense activity. |
Operating Expense (OE) | Expenses used for operations excluding payroll expenses and capital. |
Personal Travel | Travel of a personal nature scheduled in conjunction with business travel. |
POET | An acronym used to refer to project funded transactions entered in Bronco Hub. |
Project Budget | The amount awarded by a Sponsor. |
Program Code | Designates the functionality of an expense by indicating the obligation or intended purpose of how the funds in the corresponding funding source must be used. Program codes include: Instruction, Research, Public Service, Academic Support, Libraries, Student Services, Institutional Support, Scholarships and Fellowships, Auxiliary Enterprises, Operation and Maintenance of Plant. |
Project/ Grant Code (PGC) | Alpha and/or numeric code that is used to organize and specify activity within a specific project or grant for reporting purposes. |
Project Period | Timeline of grant fund. Specifies deadline for use of grant funds. |
Purchase Order | Legal contract placing order that follows a requisition. |
Purchase Requisition | A financial process completed in Bronco Hub to begin the procurement (purchasing) process for goods and/or services over your P-Card limit. For more information, visit the Purchase Requisitions Training Portal page. |
P-Card | University purchasing card (or P-Card) is a corporate liability Visa card issued by Bank of America. For more information, visit the P-Card Training Portal page. |
Reconciliation | The process of comparing transactions and activity to supporting documentation. |
Reject | An action taken in Bronco Hub to reject a transaction that has been routed to an employee for review. |
Requester | The employee requesting the transaction. The supervisor of the transaction requester will be added to the approval workflow. |
Spending Authority | Approval for spending funds out of departmental accounts. |
Supplier | A non-employee individual or entity. |
Tagable Asset Goods | Any item with a unit cost of $2,000 or more and that has a useful life or service period of more than one year. In addition, any donated item that has a fair market value of $2,000 or more at the time of donation and a useful life or service period of more than one year must be tagged. |
Third-Party Payments | Payments received from an outside source to pay for student account charges, e.g. fees and/or housing. |
Travel Authorization | When an employee travels outside of a 100-mile radius, from their official work station, employee travel policies apply a Travel Authorization must be submitted prior to travel taking place. For more information, visit the Travel Authorization Training Portal page. |