Important Notes:
The Local Fund Balance (BvA) is year to date report designed to monitor local fund balances and to drill into transaction details.
This report is not available daily from 12:35 AM to 7:30 AM for data refresh.
Step 1: Locate and Launch the Report
Access Boise State Reporting Budget & Finance and locate the Budget vs Actual Dashboard, Appropriated and Local Summary report.
Boise State Reporting will display the reports in either a List or Card view.
Change your view by selecting either List View or Card View in the upper navigation.
By default, this report launches with the category filter set to “All Reports”. If needed, update the Filter by Category drop-down to view reports specific to one area of reporting
Favorite commonly used reports by selecting Favorite in card view and the star icon in list view.
After locating the Budget vs Actual Dashboard, Appropriated and Local Summary report, select Launch on the report card or Launch located on the right side of the report name if you’re in list view.
If you need to request report access, submit an Access Request Form. When submitting the access request, include the name of the report and any other details that might be needed.
Step 2: Enter Report Parameters
Confirm the report tab you are on is Local Only Fund Balance Summary.
The report will first generate results based on the filters at the top of the screen. The filters will default to the last filters entered.
Update or enter search parameters as needed. The following are required to launch the search:
Fiscal Year. The Fiscal Year is represented by the 4 digit calendar year in which the fiscal year (FY) ends. Boise State operates on the fiscal year for the State of Idaho, July 1 – June 30.
As of Fiscal Period. The Fiscal Period is represented by 1 through 12 starting with July. See the table below.
Department. The 5-digit department number.
After entering the search parameters, select Apply.
Fiscal Period Table
Month | Period | Month | Period | Month | Period |
July | 1 | November | 5 | March | 9 |
August | 2 | December | 6 | April | 10 |
September | 3 | January | 7 | May | 11 |
October | 4 | February | 8 | June | 12 |
Step 3: Review Fund Balance
The results from your search will populate below the search fields.
To view a different fund, update the fund type by entering a value in the Fund field and selecting Apply.
Step 4: Drill to Transaction Details
To review transaction details, select a hyperlinked amount displaying in the report output table then select Drill to _____ Detail.
Step 5: View Negative Fund Balance
To review a report output that includes only negative fund balances, select the checkbox located next to Negative Fund Balance then select Apply.
Step 6: (optional) Export Results and Save Search Parameters
After running a dashboard report, you may export the output by navigating to the Settings (gear) icon in the upper right-hand corner of the dashboard, selecting Export to Excel and Export Current Page.
Search Parameters may be saved by entering search values, clicking the Settings icon the upper right-hand corner. Click Save Current Customization, enter a Name for the search and click OK.
End of Process
Need help with the steps above?
For support with running this report (e.g. you received an error message) submit a Help Desk Self-Service ticket. Visit Reporting at Boise State for more information about university reporting.
If you have suggestions to improve this job aid, submit an OCI Service Request ticket.