Important Notes:
This resource outlines the process to cashier a departmental deposit only. Cashiering is the process by which we close and submit the departmental deposit batches as they are sent to the bank.
Departmental Deposits are used to record the receipt of cash, check, coin, ACH and/or credit card payments that are not already handled by the Treasury Department.
If your department receives a check for a transaction that has been processed by Accounts Receivable, the check must be sent to AR for deposit and payment posting. In these instances, DO NOT deposit the check via the departmental deposit process.
Resources related to this process
If you are taking your deposit to Student Financial Services, follow the job aid to Prepare a Deposit for Drop Off at Student Financials. Student Financials Services will cashier deposits received by them.
If your department prepares departmental deposits AND cashiers those deposits, follow the job aid to Prepare & Cashier a Departmental Deposit.
Step 1: Log in to Transact Campus
Login to Transact Campus.
Follow this link to the Transact Campus portal.
Enter your Operator ID and Password.
Select Login.
Enter your Operator ID. The Operator ID is a unique login identifier for individual users of Transact. Treasury assigns an Operator ID and associated permissions with New User Access Requests.
Enter your Password. Treasury assigns a password with New User Access Requests. If you need access to Transact, submit the Marketplace All-in-One Form.
Enter “000” in the Station Code field.
Enter “BOISESTATE_PROD” in the Client Code field.
Notes about Passwords:
When you login for the first time, you will be prompted to change your password.
You will be prompted to periodically update your password. The home screen details the expiration date of your current password.
Navigating the different areas of Transact:
Home Page: This is the home page of Transact Payments. This details your unique identification information as well as other administrative information.
Cashiering: This page allows users to create new batches to cashier Departmental Deposits. Cashiering is the process of validating and closing departmental deposits.
Departmental Deposits: This page allows users to create Departmental Deposits. Departmental Deposits are the transactional details for your department activity.
Find Transactions: This page allows users to query for past Departmental Deposits and Cashiered Deposits.
Reports: This page is where institutions and individual users can access reports in Transact Payments.
Training & Support: This page is where users can find Training & Support within Transact Payments.
Step 2: Cashier the Deposit
Navigate to the Cashiering section of Transact.
Select Dept. Deposit to cashier an existing departmental deposit.
Navigate to the deposit you need to cashier and select Select located to the right of deposit information.
Select Continue.
Select the Easy Key corresponding to the payment type you are cashiering.
If the easy key you need is not present, enter it into the text box and click the binocular icon to search for it. Easy keys for each payment type is below:
CA: Cash
CK: Check or Electronic Check (ACH)
CC: Credit Card
MO: Money Order
Enter the amount for the selected Easy Key in the generated text field.
Select Add Payment.
Repeat for each additional payment type tendered.
When complete, select Save Transaction.
When the amounts match, the status will update to Closed.
Step 3: Closing and Validating the Cashiered Batch
Closing a batch should be done when all departmental deposits have been completed for the day.
Navigate to Your Batches to view all open batches.
Find the Batch No. you’re working with and select Resume located to the right of the Batch information.
Select Checkout.
The checkout page will appear.
Validate the tender one final time by entering the correct denominations of coins, bills, and amounts for checks and credit cards.
ACH values are not entered on the checkout screen.
If the drawer balance and system balance match, select Continue.
If the balances do not match, errors will be displayed in red.
Please correct any discrepancies before attempting to continue.
The batch will close.
Print the Batch closed successfully screen for your records.
Records are not managed by a central office at the university but should be stored by your department for audit purposes.
What’s next:
General ledger information associated with your item codes should be posted within two days.
End of Process
Need help with the steps above?
If you need to request additional item codes, update an item code, or request user access, fill out the Marketplace All-In-One Form.
To correct a deposit that has already been posted, submit a journal entry through the Journal Entry Request Form. Please note, when submitting a correction, we recommend you also fill out the Marketplace All-In-One Form to request an update to item code revenue accounting string so that it is fixed in future deposits.
If you need assistance with the process outlined above, please reach out to
If you have suggestions to improve the instructions in this job aid, please submit an OCI Service Request ticket.