Info |
Important Notes:
Panel | ||
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If you need to create a time card, rather than edit one, follow the instructions to Create and Submit Your Time Card and do not move forward with the instructions below. |
Step 1: Log in to Bronco Hub and Access Time and Absences
Begin by signing in to Bronco Hub.
Select Me from the top navigation section of Bronco Hub and then select .
Select Time and Absences tile.
Step 2: Select the Applicable Time Card
To edit or view your time card for the current pay period, select the Current Time Cards card.
To edit or view your time card for a prior pay period, select the Existing Time Cards card.
Note |
New pay periods start every other Sunday. Visit the Payroll Due Dates & Pay Dates to confirm whether you’re entering time for a current or prior pay period. |
Step 3: Access
Timecard to Edit
IF you are editing a time card timecard via Existing Time Cards, locate the pay period dates for the time card timecard you wish to update and select the hyperlinked dates. The timecard will open.
IF you are editing a time card timecard via Current Time Cards, the current time card timecard entries will populate.
To edit an entry, select the Edit icon to the right of the Date you wish to update.
Step 4: Confirm Time Entry and Costing Information
Edit an existing row: Double-click a field to change the Assignment Number, Time Reporting Code or quantity of hours.
Add, Delete, or Duplicate a row: To add a row, enter time details (beginning with the Assignment Number) in the first empty row.
To insert a row above, insert a row below, duplicate a row or delete a row, right click on an existing row choose the correct option from the dropdown.
Note |
Create a new row for each Time Reporting Code used. For example, do no enter Hours Worked on the same row as Holiday. |
Tip |
If you are entering partial hours, enter hours to the nearest 1/10th of an hour.
Additional timecard options are outlined below:
Show Additional Attributes: you should only select this option if your supervisor advises you to.
Warning |
DO NOT ENTER anything in the Cost Center, Fund, Department, Supplemental and Project fields unless explicitly told to do so by your supervisor.If your supervisor . |
Make all applicable changes and select Ok.
Step 4: Confirm Time Entry and Costing Information
Confirm the dates, hours, title and time entry reason (eg Hours Worked or Vacation), prior to saving or submitting time card entry. To view Time and Absence Reporting Codes, select here.
In the example below, time entry includes 8 hours worked June 1 - June 3. 4 hours worked on June 4 and 4 hours vacation on June 4.
tells you to enter specific fund, department, cost center or project segments, follow these instructions below:
Clear Time Card: Select the trash can icon to remove all details from the timecard.
Copy Previous Time Card: Select the page icon to duplicate a previously created timecard.
More Actions [ … ]: Select More Actions (the three dots) to see the dropdown with the following options:
View Time Totals: Select to see a summary of Total hours, Scheduled Hours, Schedule Deviation and Absence Hours reported.
View Calculated Time: Shows the time calculate, which may differ from what is reported. View the note on Holiday Pay below for an example of how Calculated Time is applied.
View Absence Plan Balances: View to see leave balances.
As of Today:
Last Calculation Date: Calculates accrued and used absence time; calculates shortly after the date of pay.
Note |
Holiday Pay is paid based on a calculation and is not on based on your work shedule. For benefit-eligible employees,Holiday Pay is based on 1/5th of your scheduled working hours for the week. For example, 1/5 of a 40hr week = 8hrs Holiday Pay; 1/5 of a 32hr week = 6.4 hrs Holiday Pay. Therefore, if you are scheduled to work a duration of 10 hrs for 4 days each week, 10 hrs of Holiday Pay may be reported on the timecard, but it will calculate as 8hrs, based on the timecard policy. Absence Balance is rounded. Your actual absence balance may be marginally lower than what is displayed if it is rounded up. If you encounter difficulties requesting or submitting vacation or sick leave for the entire amount shown in your balance, try reducing the absence duration by .1 and resubmitting. |
Tip |
If any columns are not visible, you may reduce the width of the columns, making room for more columns to be visible. Select the virticle line separating the columns and move either left or right. This is especially helpful when reviewing previous timecards (those created before 2/15/25) where formatting is slightly different. |
Step 5: Confirm Timecard Updates
Confirm the Assignment Number, Time Reporting Codes, dates and hours prior to saving or submitting your timecard entry.
Tip |
Select the three dots in the top left corner and select View Time Totals to see a summary of the time entered and scheduled. |
Step 6: Save and Close or Submit
You can save your time card timecard to add or edit it later or you can submit your time card it to your supervisor for their review and approval.
To Save, but not Submitsubmit, your time cardtimecard, navigate to the top of the page and select Actions, then select Save and Close.
If your time card timecard is complete and ready to be submitted to your line manager for approval, select Submit.
Tip |
As a best practice, wait until the end of the pay period to submit your time card timecard for manager approval. Managers get receive an email each time a time card every instance in which a timecard is submitted. |
Select Submit.
What’s next
Once your time card is submitted, your supervisor will receive a notification to review and approve or reject your time card. You will receive an email after your supervisory takes action on your time card; if your time card is rejected or sent back to you for corrections, you must edit and resubmit your time card for approval and processing.
Note |
Employees are paid two weeks after the pay period ends. |
End of Process
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