To outline the steps to run eCommerce (eMarket) reports in Transact Campus.
Step 1: Access and Sign In to Transact Campus
Follow this link to access the Transact Campus portal.
Enter the following login credential details:
Operator ID: This is a unique login identifier for individual users of Transact. Treasury assigns an Operator ID and associated permissions with New User Access Requests.
Password: You will be prompted to create a unique password upon initial login. Treasury assigns a password with New User Access Requests.
Station:The Station Code is “000”.
Client Code: The Client Code is “BOISESTATE_PROD”.
Select Login.
Home Page: This section details your unique identification information as well as other administrative information.
Cashiering: This section allows users to create new batches to cashier Departmental Deposits. Cashiering is the process of validating and closing departmental deposits.
Departmental Deposits: This section allows users to create Departmental Deposits. Departmental Deposits are the transactional details for your department activity.
Find Transactions:This section allows users to query for past transactions and process returns.
Reports:This section is where institutions and individual users can access reports in Transact Payments.
Training & Support: This section is where users can find Training & Support within Transact Payments.
Step 2: Run a Batch Report
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Transact Campus will generate a closed batch report for |
Bronco Hub upload at the end of the day. Best practice is to, at minimum, run the following reports regularly:
To access the batch report, select complete the following:
Select Reports tab in the top banner.
Select a report (e.g. Daily Paid Item Report).
After selecting a report, search parameters will generate.
Update any date parameters and format settings as needed.
Select Email to have the report emailed to you.
If needed,
customize your report output by selecting Customize and updating any criteria needed.
Update the Format settings to include more or less output details.
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Notes about output details and settings:
Once you are satisfied with the settings, select OK to generate results.
End of Process
Need help with the steps above?
Email marketplace@boisestate.eduwith questions regarding report formats and automated reporting.
If you need assistance with the process outlined above, submit a ticket using theOCI Service Request link.