Helpful tips for using a macro:
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Important Notes:
Step 1: Save Account Analysis Report & Open Pivot
Begin by saving the AAR(s) you downloaded.
Download or locate the pivot table you will be working with.
Open the pivot and confirm accuracy of the file name.
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If you have a previously downloaded version of this pivot stored on your computer, the file will download with a 1 or another number at the end and this is incorrect. For example, rather than AccountAnalysisPivot the file may download with the name AccountAnalysisPivot(1). The pivot will not work if the file name is incorrect. To move forward, you must ensure the file has the correct naming convention. |
Correct pivot file names for financial analysis:
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Navigate to the Process Tab of the pivot spreadsheet.
Select Generate Pivot Account Analysis Report-1 to analyze one AAR or select Generate Pivot Account Analysis Report-2 to analyze two AARs.
Navigate to the AARs saved in a prior step.
The report will take a few minutes to run.
Step 3: Review Results
Select the Report_Criteria_Information tab to view the accounting periods included in the report and the date the AAR was generated.
Select the CombinedData tab to view all data generated in the AAR(s). DO NOT change the data on this tab; this data is used in the pivot table.
Select the PvtTblRpt tab to view budget and actual expenses.
You can use the filters to isolate key pieces of information like funding sources.
You can filter by accounting Period_Name, Balance_Type, Fund_Department_Supplemental_Project. To sort by a particular field, select the chevron to the right of the filter and select the values to include or exclude in your search.
Double click on dollar amounts on the PvtTblRpt tab to drill to transaction details in a new tab.
Copy and paste the pivot table to additional tabs and use filters to set up specific funding sources. Update tab names to reflect filter selections.
Refresh data as often as you would like by completing step 2 with new reports
End of Process
Need help with the steps above?
For support with running this report (e.g. you received an error message) submit a Help Desk Self-Service ticket.
Visit Reporting at Boise State for more information about reporting support at the university.