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Pivot Macro Instructions
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Helpful tips for using a macro:
Once you have generated your report, save the pivot macro as something other than the original name to ensure that you do not experience issues using the macro in the future. It is recommended that you save the original download to your desktop or a folder that you access regularly and that you save the file with a different name when saving the report to keep the information that you need (e.g. save the file as AccountAnalysisPivot - OCI FY23).
If you want to download the macro to use on a regular basis (not recommended), DO NOT rename it.
You are able to upload new information into the macro if you have not renamed it. For example, if you want to generate a new pivot with updated AARs, as long as you have not changed the name, you can go to the 'Process' tab and select the button to import the new information.
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Begin by saving the AAR(s) you downloaded.
Download or locate the pivot table you will be working with. You can find links to available pivot files on the Job Aids & Resources page of the Bronco Hub Training Portal.
Open the pivot and confirm accuracy of the file name. Important Note: If you have a previously downloaded version of this pivot stored on your computer, the file will download with a 1 or another number at the end and this is incorrect. For example, rather than GrantAccountAnalysisPivot the file may download with the name GrantAccountAnalysisPivot(1). The pivot will not work if the file name is incorrect. To move forward, you must ensure the file has the correct naming convention.
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Select the GrantBudgetData Tab to enter or edit grant budget(s).
Select Insert to add a line for each budget rollup line.
Enter Fund, Department, Cost Center, Supplemental, and Project Segments.
Enter Natural Account as the Budget Rollup
Salaries – 410000
Fringe – 420000
Other Expense – 500000
Travel – 530000
F&A – 529500 or 895000
Student Costs – 891300 through 893200
Revenue – Enter Total Budget 334100, 335100, 338100, or 336100
Enter Net Amount as Negative Number for Expenses and Positive Number for Revenue
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Navigate to the Process Tab of the pivot spreadsheet.
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Select the Report_Criteria_Information tab to view the accounting periods included in the report and the date the AAR was generated.
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For support with running this report (e.g. you received an error message) submit a Help Desk Self-Service ticket.
Visit Reporting at Boise State for more information about reporting support at the university.