Info |
Important Notes:
Select an option from the list above to jump to the instructions for submitting the invoice. |
Instructions to Create and Submit an Invoice Payment for items with a Purchase Order (PO)
Step 1: Open the Purchase Order Payment Approval Form
Select this link to open the Purchase Order Payment Approval Form aka the “Ok to Pay form”.
Step 2: Complete All Required Information
Enter the Preparer Information.
Select the Type of Request from the options:
Select Non-sub Award if the request account codes (funding strings) are not linked to a grant.
Select Sub Award if the request account codes (funding strings) are linked to a grant. Additional fields will populate.
Enter the Subaward Number.
Enter the Award Department.
Enter the PI Approver email.
IF the supplier is foreign, select the Foreign checkbox, otherwise leave the checkbox blank.
Enter the Requisition Information.
Supplier Name: Enter official supplier name.
PO Number: Enter with PO prefix: "PO136559" (not 136559)
Line Number(s) on PO: If the PO only has one line, you can leave this blank or type "1". If there are multiple lines, enter the correct PO line number you want the charge(s) on the invoice paid against.
Step 3: Submit Final Payment (if applicable)
Check the box Final Payment to inform Purchasing that the PO is closed and any encumbrance balance can be released.
What’s next:
Once submitted, the “Ok to Pay” will indicate the PO invoice can be paid. There is no standard workflow approval for submitted Ok to Pays; approval was granted at the time the PO was created.
To follow-up on the status of submitted Invoice Payments, access the UFS Request Tracker.
End of Process
Instructions to Create and Submit an Invoice Payment for item(s) without a Purchase Order (PO)
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Important Notes:To avoid a rejected invoice, always complete the following:
Step 1: Log in to Bronco Hub and Access Invoices
Begin by signing in toBronco Hub.
Select My Organization from the top navigation section of Bronco Hub and then select Invoices.
Step 2: Create an Invoice and Enter Invoice Details
Select Create.
Enter the following details
Identifying PO: If a Purchase Order (PO) is in place, use the Submit Invoice Payment - with PO Job Aid. If the cost is associated with a PO but not actually on the PO, leave this blank.
Business Unit: Enter IDBSU
Supplier Site: Select the magnifying glass in the Supplier field. In the next window, type the Supplier name and select "Search". Select the correct supplier from the search results then select "Ok". [Select the "Advanced" button in the upper left hand corner to expand search options.].
Supplier Site: This is the site the payment will go to; the site will auto-populate based on the supplier’s selection. Please verify that the address populated matches the address on invoice. If not, select the chevron to the right of Supplier Site and select the address listed on the supplier invoice.
If the address from the supplier is not listed in Bronco Hub, let the supplier know that they need to update their PaymentWorks account. If they need additional help, send an email to If a supplier is a state agency, government agency, university, county, city or other supplier that has multiple divisions and addresses, just send an email to with the supplier name and attach a copy of the invoice with the new address. Do not request a Substitute W-9 form from the vendor/supplier.Invoice Group: Leave blank.
Number: Enter number from invoice. For invoices without a number use the Numbering Convention outlined by Procurement and Vendor Services. If you are submitting an Invoice Payment for the same supplier that was previously rejected and canceled, use the original invoice number and end with an “R”.
Amount: Enter the amount from the invoice.
Type: Leave as default “Standard” for payments; If you are submitting a credit memo, change to “Credit Memo.”
Pro Tip: Hold credit memos until you have an invoice payment due, then submit them at the same time. The credit memo and invoice must have the same supplier address.
Business Purpose: Enter a detailed business purpose for the transaction. Please note: Add any special handling instructions to the Business Purpose. Include the name and phone number of the person picking up the items. Example - SPECIAL HANDLING: Send check to Payments and Disbursements. Pick Up will be by Billy Bronco; (208) 999-9999
Date: Enter the date listed on the invoice. If there is no date listed, enter the date of service (if dates span a period of time, enter the last date of range).
Payment Terms: Default is set to Net 30. If supplier terms are different, select different terms from the dropdown list. Note: If Invoice Payment is urgent, select Immediate from Payment Terms dropdown.
Terms Date: Leave as default.
Requester: Enter requester as Last name, First name. The supervisor of the requester will be added to the approval workflow.
Attachment: The original invoice is required; your submission will be rejected if the invoice is not attached. An email with the invoice attached is not sufficient as not all information is shown. Download any invoices prior to attaching. If you are scanning a paper bill, be sure to scan both sides. Quotes and bids are not considered invoices.
Note |
All suppliers must be registered in Payment Works before being added to Bronco Hub. If your Supplier is not listed here, you will need to invite them to Payment Works. Inviting Vendors to PaymentWorks job aid. |
Step 3: Enter Invoice Lines and Funding Information
To enter funding, select the chevron to the left of Lines and enter necessary information
Warning |
Important Note: Invoice lines coded with a Project Fund (1st segment) in the Distribution Combination field must include POET data or the transaction will be automatically rejected upon initiation of the Approval Workflow (step 11 of this job aid). ProTip! Use the All Segment Values Report to confirm whether or not the Fund is Project based. |
Step 7: Project Funded Invoice Payments (skip this step if not using Project funds)
Scroll to the right of the Line to enter funding source using POET. Information entered in POET should match the Distribution Combination.
Project Number: Enter the 10-digit projectsegment. Contract number and Funding Source fields will auto-populate after Project Number is entered.
Task Number: Enter 100001 for all services and non-asset goods and 100002 for tagable asset goods.
Expenditure Item Date: Defaults to today’s date. Update to date purchase/service date.
Expenditure Type: Enter the 6-digit account segment.
Expenditure Organization: Enter the 5-digit department segment.
Budget Date:Defaults to Invoice Date entered in Header. Update toExpenditure Item Date.
Contract and Funding Source: Defaults using the entry from the Project Number field.
Step 8: Adding Pay Alone and Remittance Messages (skip this step as needed)
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Pay Alone Invoice Payments are processed and paid separately from other invoices for the same supplier. If working with a supplier that requires this option, follow the steps below. Remittance Messages should be added when the supplier needs additional information printed on the check beyond the Invoice number and date. For Example, “Attention to,” supplier requested project numbers, Account Numbers, etc. |
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Only information from Message 1 will print for the supplier. Do not add text to Message 2 or 3. |
Step 9: Save the Invoice Payment
Save the Invoice Payment before validating OR Save and Close to save the Invoice Payment and validate at a later time. Both options are located in the upper right-hand corner.
Step 10: Validate Invoice Payment
To Validate Invoice Payment data, select Invoice Actions and Validate.
If they still match, then cancel the line and create a new line with the correct amount.
Step 11: Submit Invoice Payment
Submit the Invoice Payment through the approval workflow by selecting Invoice Actions > Approval > Initiate.
Select Save and Create Next after initiating approval to create another Invoice Payment.
What’s next:
Once submitted, the Invoice Payment will route to the approvers in the Standard Approval Workflow. Payment will take place once all approvers have approved the transaction.
To follow-up on submitted Invoice Payments, follow the instructions outlined in Reviewing Invoice Payment Status OR follow the instructions outlined in the Transaction Approval Dashboard.
End of Process
Instructions to Create and Submit Digital Invoice Payments
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Important Notes:The digital payment option may only be used for non-taxable transactions. For example, student per diems, reimbursements, and refunds to non-employees. Digital Payments may not be used for organizations. Effective June 1, 2024: Digital Payment Invoice submissions will only be accepted by submitters who have attended a Digital Payment training. This is a 15-minute training and is performed upon request during P2P Office Hours. Office Hours are held on alternate Wednesdays and Thursdays. More information can be found at Procurement and Vendor Services. Before submitting a digital payment, note the following:
To avoid a rejected invoice, always complete the following:
Log in to Bronco Hub and Access Invoices
Begin by signing in toBronco Hub.
Select My Organization from the top navigation section of Bronco Hub and then select Invoices.
Step 2: Create an Invoice and Enter Invoice Details
Select Create.
Enter the following details
Identifying PO: If a Purchase Order (PO) is in place, use the Submit Invoice Payment - with PO Job Aid. If the cost is associated with a PO but not actually on the PO, leave this blank.
Business Unit: Enter IDBSU
Supplier and Supplier Site: Enter Digital Payment or select the magnifying glass in the Supplier field. In the next window, enter the Supplier name Digital Payment and select Search. Select Digital Payment from the search results then select Ok. If needed, select the Advanced button in the upper left hand corner to expand search options.
Invoice Group: Leave blank.
Number: Enter Digital Payment followed by the month, day, year and 5 digit department ID ( Digital PaymentMMDDYYYY-DEPTID). Invoice Number Example: Digital Payment01262021-90415
Amount: Enter the amount from the invoice.
Type: Leave as default “Standard”.
Business Purpose: Enter a detailed business purpose for the transaction.
Date: Enter the same date as that of the Invoice Number, except in the case of advance payments to students going on trips. In that case, enter today’s date or a date that is not more than seven days before the travel start date. If you enter a future invoice date, the invoice will not pay until that date.
Payment Terms: Select Immediate from the dropdown list.
Terms Date: Leave as default.
Requester: Enter requester as Last name, First name. The supervisor of the requester will be added to the approval workflow.
Attachments: The Digital Payment template is required with all fields populated in the template. Include relevant documentation regarding the payment, such as receipts, mileage logs, per diem documentation, Non Employee Reimbursement Form, etc.
Step 3: Enter Invoice Lines and Funding Information
Select the chevronto the left of Lines to add a Funding Segment String to the Invoice Payment. Select the + plus sign to add more lines as needed. Select the X sign to delete lines.
Warning |
Invoice lines coded with a Project Fund (1st segment) in the Distribution Combination field must include POET data or the transaction will be automatically rejected upon initiation of the Approval Workflow (step 11 of this job aid). ProTip! Use the All Segment Values Report to confirm whether or not the Fund is Project based. |
Step 4: Project Funded Invoice Payments (skip this step if not using Project funds)
Scroll to the right of the Line to enter funding source using POET. Information entered in POET should match the Distribution Combination.
Project Number: Enter the 10-digit projectsegment. Contract number and Funding Source fields will auto-populate after Project Number is entered.
Task Number: Enter 100001 for all services and non-asset goods and 100002 for tagable asset goods.
Expenditure Item Date: Defaults to today’s date. Update to date purchase/service date.
Expenditure Type: Enter the 6-digit account segment.
Expenditure Organization: Enter the 5-digit department segment.
Budget Date:Defaults to Invoice Date entered in Header. Update toExpenditure Item Date.
Contract and Funding Source: Defaults using the entry from the Project Number field.
Step 5: Save the Invoice Payment
Save the Invoice Payment before validating OR Save and Close to save the Invoice Payment and validate at a later time. Both options are located in the upper right-hand corner.
Step 6: Validate Invoice Payment
To Validate Invoice Payment data, select Invoice Actions and Validate.
Warning |
Note: If you receive the following warning, “The sum of the distributions does not equal the line amount. Change the distribution amounts to equal the line amount”, update amounts entered in the lines to match the amount entered in the invoice header. If the validation result is “Needs revalidation,” then compare the header total with the invoice total to make sure they match. (continues below)To Validate Invoice Payment data, Select Invoice Actions and Validate. |
Step 7: Submit Invoice Payment
Submit the Invoice Payment through the approval workflow by Selecting Invoice Actions > Approval > Initiate.
Select Save and Create Next after initiating approval to create another Invoice Payment.
What’s next for the Invoice Payment Submitter?
Once submitted, the Invoice Payment will route to the approvers within Bronco Hub following the Standard Approval Workflow. Accounts Payable will create a Smartsheet alert notifying the submitter that the invoice has begun the department’s approval workflow.
To follow-up on submitted Invoice Payments, follow the instructions outlined in Reviewing Invoice Payment Status OR follow the instructions outlined in the Transaction Approval Dashboard.
What’s next for the Invoice Payment Recipient?
An email from Concourse will notify the recipient that a payment is pending for them. The email instructs them to select Accept Payment, at which point they will be prompted to create a transfer account. They are NOT creating a bank account, they are creating a transfer account, similar to a Venmo or Zelle account. If a recipient does not accept the payment within two weeks, the payment will expire. Contact for instructions to resubmit.
See What’s Next For Recipient of a Digital Payments for a step by step guide. Due to access restrictions to the Boise State Google Drive, you must download the PDF (What’s Next for Recipient) and then share it with the recipient.
End of Process
Need help with the steps above?
If you need assistance with the process outlined above, please contact
If you have suggestions to improve the instructions in this job aid, please submit an OCI Service Request ticket.